我有一个现有的WebSphere Application Server v7应用程序,我想在Bluemix的Liberty运行时上运行它.我可以直接按原样使用该应用程序,然后尝试将其导入到我在Bluemix中看到的一个入门应用程序中吗?
I have an existing WebSphere Application Server v7 application and I would like to run it on the Liberty runtime in Bluemix. Can I simply take the app as-is and try importing it into one of the starter apps I see in Bluemix?
In addition to Randal's excellent answer on how you can migrate your application to Liberty profile, please see the following documentation link on your options for pushing Liberty applications to Bluemix. You can push the complete Liberty server or just the WAR file, depending on your application needs and used features.
https://www.ng.bluemix.net /docs/#starters/liberty/index.html#optionsforpushingliberty应用程序