

我注意到数组具有SetValue方法,当您仅可以使用索引器时,这似乎有点不合适. SetValue是否有一些特殊用途? MSDN文章似乎并没有说明SetValue的用途,只是说如何使用它.就速度而言,哪种方法更有效?

I noticed that arrays have the SetValue method, which seems a little out of place when you could just use the indexers. Is there some special purpose for SetValue? The MSDN article didn't seem to say what SetValue was for, just how to use it. Which method would be more efficient to use as far as speed goes?


有时候,您拥有的一个数组就是它是一个Array. Array类没有索引器,因此在其上设置/获取元素值的最佳方法是通过GetValueSetValue方法.例如:

Sometimes all you have of an array is that it's an Array. The Array class does not have indexers, so the best way to set/get element values on it is via the GetValue and SetValue methods. For example:

private void M(Array array)
    array[0] = 5;         // <-- Compiler error
    array.SetValue(5, 0); // <-- Works


07-17 01:31