


Lets say I have an MFC Dialog with several buttons on it. (E.g. "Red", "Blue", "Green", and "Yellow" buttons) These buttons all have IDs such as ("IDC_BUTT_RED","IDC_BUTT_BLUE","IDC_BUTT_GREEN","IDC_BUTT_YELLOW")


Given that I have a CWnd object that references the dialog window that these buttons are placed on. Is there a way to get a list of these IDs?

我知道有一个 CWnd :: GetNextDlgGroupItem 方法,该方法基于描述应该遍历一组控件.我尝试使用它,传入一个引用按钮之一的CWnd对象,然后调用 GetWindowText 方法进行检查,但是它始终返回对自身的引用.

I know there is a CWnd::GetNextDlgGroupItem method, that based on the description should iterate through a group of controls. I tried using it, passing in a CWnd object referring to one of the buttons, then calling the GetWindowText method to check, but it always returns a reference to itself.


您可以使用EnumChildWindows枚举对话框的所有子窗口.这是一个C API函数,因此您可以使用并获取HWND而不是CWnd.当每个子窗口的HWND传递给回调函数时,您可以调用GetClassName查找其窗口类名称(例如"BUTTON"),并调用GetWindowLong查找其ID.

You can enumerate all of the dialog's child windows using EnumChildWindows. This is a C API function so you use and get HWNDs instead of CWnds. When each child window's HWND is passed to your callback function you can call GetClassName to find its window class name (like "BUTTON") and GetWindowLong to find its ID.


10-15 01:07