


If I understand, QUIC exists to multiplex multiple streams over the same UDP channel, including same key exchange.

QUIC的VoIP等传输模式也不可靠.>: //datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-pauly-quic-datagram/

QUIC also has an unreliable transport mode for VoIP, etc. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-pauly-quic-datagram/


Has anyone considered a "file" transfer mode for QUIC that uses either this unreliable mode or another "less" reliable mode? Would file transfer benefit much from even less ordered delivery than a QUIC stream supports?

有一个Bittorrent变种 µTP ( BEP-29 )的存在部分是为了减少对住宅互联网的干扰,但支持bittorrent惯常的高度无序交付.

There is a bittorrent variant µTP (BEP-29) which exists partially to interfere less with residential internet, but supports bittorrent's usual highly unordered delivery.


I suppose a file transfer protocol for QUIC could also be bittorren-like by accepting packet sized chunks from multiple senders, but that's another topic.


无序,不可靠的文件传输协议的一个优点是,它们不需要为保持随连接BDP增长的重发缓冲区而付出的内存成本. .这些缓冲区的大小不正确会导致高BDP链路上的大量性能损失.

One advantage of unordered, unreliable file transfer protocols is that they do not need to pay the memory cost of keeping a retransmit buffer that grows with the BDP of the connection. Incorrect sizing of those buffers can lead to significant performance losses on high-BDP links.


The random-access persistent storage used for the files at each end allows the reordering and retransmission to be handled on the application level.


The absence of head-of-line blocking may also lead to marginally better IO utilization.


But those issues are edge-cases. For bulk-transferring a single large file within one continent the reliable stream mode of QUIC will probably perform near the throughput optimum.


06-25 13:03