

我目前使用的是的PhaseListener 下面来执行用户授权。

I'm currently using a PhaseListener as below to perform user authorization.

private PhaseId phaseId = PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW;

public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) {

    FacesContext fc = event.getFacesContext();
    boolean isOnAllowedPage = false;
    String[] allowedPages = choseRightPages(); // chose pages for role

    for (String s : allowedPages) {
        if (fc.getViewRoot().getViewId().lastIndexOf(s) > -1) {
            isOnAllowedPage = true;

    if (!isOnAllowedPage) {
        NavigationHandler nh = fc.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
        nh.handleNavigation(fc, null, "prohibited");


It does what I want, however I don't see it being listed in How to handle authentication/authorization with users in a database? and this Coderanch topic titled "authorization with phaselistener problem" also mentions the following:


我不明白究竟使用的PhaseListener ,而不是过滤器表演时用户授权的限制。有人可以解释给我吗?

I don't exactly understand the limitations of using a PhaseListener instead of a Filter when performing user authorization. Can someone explain it to me?


A 的PhaseListener 仅在JSF请求发射(即它调用的<$ C HTTP请求$ C> FacesServlet的)。执行一个非JSF请求时,它不会触发,从而暴露了非JSF请求一个潜在的安全漏洞。一个servlet 过滤器可以在每一个HTTP请求的目标servlet的解雇,而不管。

A PhaseListener is only fired on a JSF request (i.e. a HTTP request which invoked the FacesServlet). It's not fired when a non-JSF request is executed and thus exposes a potential security leak on non-JSF requests. A servlet Filter can be fired on every single HTTP request, regardless of the target servlet.

在换句话说:HTTP请求授权,不应该连接到具有的FacesContext 可用,但对的ServletRequest 可用。应尽量将授权低级别成为可能。

In other words: HTTP request authorization should not be tied to having the FacesContext available, but to the ServletRequest available. Always try to authorize as "low level" as possible.


06-25 10:19