

我可以通过 DrawText()绘制字符串文字:

I can draw a string literal via DrawText():

DrawText (hdcWindow, "abc123", -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE);

但是,这不适用于任何其他操作。具体来说,我不能输出存储在变量中的值,例如 int

However, this doesn't work with anything else. Specifically, I can't output the value stored in a variable, such as an int:

int variable = 5;
DrawText (hdcWindow, variable, -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE);


char variable = a;
DrawText (hdcWindow, variable, -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE);

如何使用 DrawText()显示变量的内容?为什么使用abc123的字符串文字工作,但用 variable 替换它不会?

How can I use DrawText() to display the contents of a variable? Why does using a string literal like "abc123" work but substituting it with variable doesn't?


DrawText 只知道如何显示字符串。要显示其他任何内容,您需要先转换为字符串,然后显示该字符串。

DrawText only knows how to display character strings. To display anything else, you need to convert to a character string first, then display that.

void show_int(int x, /* ... */) { 
     std::stringstream buffer;
     buffer << x;

     DrawText(hdcWindow, buffer.str().c_str(), -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE);


10-18 21:52