


I've started testing out Nancy in self-host mode. So far, so good apart from one issue that's irking me: How do I prevent it from caching my views while developing?


I did notice a comment that view caching is supposed to be disabled in Debug mode but it doesn't seem to be working for me - I have to restart my application whenever I make a change to the HTML.

我正在将Nancy 0.10与内置的超级简单视图引擎和.html文件一起使用.

I'm using Nancy 0.10 with the built-in super simple view engine and .html files.


在调试模式下默认禁用缓存 .我唯一能想到的是,在自托管程序(即非Web项目)中运行时,调试模式检测可能存在错误.

Caching is disabled by default in debug-mode. The only thing I can think of is that there might be a bug on the debug-mode detection while running in a self-host (i.e a non web-project).


  • 确保您以调试模式进行构建,并检查的值 StaticConfiguration.DisableCaches ,并让我知道它是否为 true 错误
  • 明确尝试将 StaticConfiguration.DisableCaches 设置为 true ,看看它是否停止缓存视图
  • Make sure your are building in debug-mode and check the value ofStaticConfiguration.DisableCaches and let me know if it is true orfalse
  • Explicitly try setting StaticConfiguration.DisableCaches totrue and see if it stops caching your view

如果DisableCaches为true,则它将忽略使用DefaultViewCache类型的缓存 https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/blob/master/src/Nancy/ViewEngines/DefaultViewCache.cs#L30

If DisableCaches is true then it ignores to use the cache in the DefaultViewCache type https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/blob/master/src/Nancy/ViewEngines/DefaultViewCache.cs#L30


09-09 03:24