

我正在使用Nancy编写一个简单的Web应用程序.至少有一个请求导致了长度未知的流,因此我无法提供Content-Length.我想使用Transfer-Encoding: chunked或(在这种情况下,也可以使用Connection: close).

I'm writing a simple web application using Nancy. At least one request results in a stream of unknown length, so I can't provide Content-Length. I'd like to use Transfer-Encoding: chunked, or (equally acceptable in this case, Connection: close).


I've had a quick hack on the Nancy source code, and I've add Response.BufferOutput, and code to set HttpContext.Response.BufferOutput to false. You can see that here:

public class HomeModule : NancyModule
    public HomeModule()
        Get["/slow"] = _ => new SlowStreamResponse();

    private class SlowStreamResponse : Response
        public SlowStreamResponse()
            ContentType = "text/plain";
            BufferOutput = false;
            Contents = s => {
                byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    s.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

它似乎没有任何作用. 5秒钟后,响应立即全部显示.我已经测试了这个简单的基于WebRequest的客户端.

It doesn't seem to have any effect. The response turns up all at once, after 5 seconds. I've tested this a simple WebRequest-based client.


How do I get chunked output to work in Nancy? I'm using the ASP.NET hosting, but I'd be interested in answers for the other hosting options.


If I write a simple server using HttpListener, I can set SendChunked to true, and it sends chunked output, which my simple client correctly receives in chunks.


在实验期间,我发现我需要以下配置.首先,按照 Nancy所述设置您的web.config文件. Wiki .值得注意的是,为了设置disableoutputbuffer值(这是我们想要的值),似乎您当前还需要指定一个引导程序.在程序集中创建一个从Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.DefaultNancyAspNetBootstrapper继承的类并在配置文件中指定它似乎可以正常工作.

During my experimentation, I discovered that I needed the following configuration. First, set up your web.config file as documented in the Nancy Wiki. It is worth noting that in order to set the disableoutputbuffer value (which is what we want), it appears that you currently need to also specify a bootstrapper. Creating a class in your assembly that inherits from Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.DefaultNancyAspNetBootstrapper and specifying it in the configuration file appears to work.

  <section name="nancyFx" type="Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyFxSection" />
  <bootstrapper assembly="YourAssembly" type="YourBootstrapper"/>
  <disableoutputbuffer value="true" />

此后,您不应设置Transfer-Encoding标头.而是,以下路由定义似乎可以将结果从我的IIS Express开发服务器正确流式传输到Chrome:

Afterwards, you should not set the Transfer-Encoding header. Rather, the following route definition appears to correctly stream the results from my IIS Express development server to Chrome:

Get["/chunked"] = _ =>
  var response = new Response();
  response.ContentType = "text/plain";
  response.Contents = s =>
    byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      for (var j = 0; j < 86; j++)
        s.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

  return response;


I specified more content per chunk than the previous example due to the minimum sizes prior to first render documented in other StackOverflow questions
