


How do I/(what is the best way to) implement composition and aggregation in C#?




这是一个非常抽象的问题,因为这两种成分和放大器;聚集很相似&安培;真的只有不同的概念,而不一定在代码级别。 (例如,你可能会考虑汽车具有发动机是组成,和狗有跳蚤是聚集,但没有什么阻止你以同样的方式执行他们,如果你是他们中的代码建模)。

That's a pretty abstract question, given that both composition & aggregation are pretty similar & really only different conceptually and not necessarily at the code level. (i.e. you might consider a Car having an Engine to be composition, and a Dog having fleas to be aggregation, but there's nothing stopping you implementing them in the same way if you were modelling them in code).


However, if you want to break down the differences & try & forcibly add software design decisions to highlight those differences I guess you could do something like this... taking an example from Wikipedia:



You might build this code to represent it (with as many contrived indications of composition/aggregation):

public class University : IDisposable
    private IList<Department> departments = new List<Department>();

    public void AddDepartment(string name)
    	//Since the university is in charge of the lifecycle of the
    	//departments, it creates them (composition)
    	departments.Add(new Department(this, name));

    public void Dispose()
    	//destroy the university...
    	//destroy the departments too... (composition)
    	foreach (var department in departments)

public class Department : IDisposable
    //Department makes no sense if it isn't connected to exactly one
    //University (composition)
    private University uni;
    private string name;

    //list of Professors can be added to, meaning that one professor could
    //be a member of many departments (aggregation)
    public IList<Professor> Professors { get; set; }

    // internal constructor since a Department makes no sense on its own,
    //we should try to limit how it can be created (composition)
    internal Department(University uni, string name)
    	this.uni = uni;
    	this.name = name;

    public void Dispose()
    	//destroy the department, but let the Professors worry about
    	//themselves (aggregation)

public class Professor


10-19 20:00