

我需要测试设备上显示的当前日期,设备上的日期格式为Monday, September 9, 2018,但是当我尝试对其进行测试时,我只能使用Monday, 09, 2018格式,该格式会导致测试失败该月的日期中没有0.

I need to test that the current date is displayed on my device, The date on the device is in format Monday, September 9, 2018 but when i try to test it i can only use the format Monday, 09, 2018 which would fail the test as there is no 0 in the Month date.

    page should contain element  ${DATE}
    ${DATE_MESSAGE}  get current date  result_format=%A, %d, %Y
    element should contain text  ${DATE}  ${DATE_MESSAGE}

如何在robotframework中更改格式以验证其格式为Monday, September 9, 2018.

How can change the format in robotframework to verify THis format Monday, September 9, 2018.

错误 should have contained text 'Monday, 09, 2018' but its text was 'Monday, September 9, 2018'.



Something like that should work:

${now}    Evaluate    '{dt.day}/{dt.month}/{dt.year}'.format(dt=datetime.datetime.now())    modules=datetime


${now}    Evaluate  '{dt:%A}, {dt:%B} {dt.day}, {dt.year}'.format(dt=datetime.datetime.now())    modules=datetime


09-16 06:22