

这有时会出现一个问题(例如:在此处 此处))并且几乎总是基于某些循环(使用 AutoFilter()本身或数组)来提供解决方案

This is a question that sometimes arises (e.g.: see here and here) and has almost always been given solutions based on some looping (with AutoFilter() itself or arrays)

由于某些原因,Excel开发人员将 AutoFilter 自定义数组条件的功能限制为最多两个,因此以下操作将不起作用:

For some reason Excel developers limited AutoFilter custom array criteria functioning to a maximum of two, so the following would not work:

    filterNotCriteria = Array("<>A","<>B","<>C")

    someRange.AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=filterNotCriteria, Operator:=xlFilterValues

尽管我认为完全具有此 AutoFilter()功能会很有帮助,因为它是针对非自定义"功能的

While I think it'd be really helpful to have this AutoFilter() functionality fully available as it is for its "not custom" counterpart


So, while awaiting for Excel developers to add it (or fix it, since it looks to me more like a bug), I'd start this question as a public survey (not sure if this is the appropriate way) on what could be the best VBA fix, both from the performance and usability point of view


And I'm adding the first answer to start the ball rolling


我的第一个想法是坚持使用 AutoFilter(),以从其性能中受益

My first thought was to stick to AutoFilter(), to benefit from its performance


  • 具有相应NOT(条件)的过滤器

  • filter with corresponding NOT(criteria)


so as to get what we don't need


hide the rows we got and that we don't need



Option Explicit

Function AutoFilterNot(rngToFilter As Range, fieldToFilterOn As Long, filterNotCriteria As Variant) As Range
    Dim notRng As Range ' helper range variable

    With rngToFilter ' reference wanted range to filter, headers row included
        .AutoFilter field:=fieldToFilterOn, Criteria1:=filterNotCriteria, Operator:=xlFilterValues ' filter on "not wanted" values
        If Application.Subtotal(103, .Resize(, 1)) > 1 Then ' if any filtered cell other than header row
            Set notRng = .Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ' temporarily set 'myRng' to "not wanted" rows
            .Parent.AutoFilterMode = False ' remove filters and show all rows
            notRng.EntireRow.Hidden = True ' leave "wanted" rows only visible

            Set AutoFilterNot = .Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ' get referenced range "wanted" rows

            .EntireRow.Hidden = False ' unhide all referenced range rows
            .Parent.AutoFilterMode = False ' remove filters
        End If
    End With
End Function


and that could be used in some "main" code as follows:

Dim filteredRng As Range

Set filteredRng = AutoFilterNot(Range("A1:C200"), 2, Array("B102", "A107"))


09-17 22:26