The issue is to decided the trade offs between following notations:
"users": {
"id1": {
"id": "id1",
"firstname": "firstname1",
"lastname": "lastname1"
"id2": {
"id": "id2",
"firstaame": "firstname2",
"lastname": "lastname2"
users: [
"id": "id",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
"id": "id",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
关于这篇关于同一问题的帖子,我决定(在前端)使用 JSON 对象表示法而不是对象数组,因为它符合我的要求,并且在浏览器中具有更好的性能和更少的代码.
Relating to this post on the same issue, I have decided (on front end) to use the JSON object notation instead of array of objects as it suits my requirements and better performance and less code in the browser.
但问题是列表本身不是静态的.我的意思是正在生成列表,即从 DB (NoSQL) 获取/存储并通过服务器上的 Java API 为新条目创建.我无法决定应该在后端使用哪种符号(这最终也会影响 UI).
But the problem is that the list itself is not static. By this I mean the list is being generated i.e. fetched/stored from DB (NoSQL) and created for new entries through a Java API at the server. I am not able to decide on which notation should I use at the back end (which eventually will also affect the UI too).
Any thoughts/suggestion about performance, maintainability or scalability is appreciated.
It is a total opinion based question. There might be many other points, but I can point out as below.
基于 JSON 的方法:如果我没有错,那么这将在服务器端使用 Map
JSON based approach :If I am not wrong then this will be implemented using Map
on server side.
Advantage : In JavaScript you can directly use users.id1, users.id2 i.e. no need of iteration
缺点:在客户端,您将如何要求 JSON 中存在 id,即对其进行硬编码或使用一些动态方法来告诉您 JSON 中存在哪个 id.
Disadvantage : On client side, some how you will require the ids present in your JSON i.e. either hard coding it or using some dynamic approach which will tell you which id is present in your JSON.
基于数组的方法:如果我没有错,那么这将在服务器端使用 Array
Array Based approach : If I am not wrong then this will be implemented using Array
on server side.
- 在客户端,您可以直接遍历数组,无需提前担心其中存在哪个 ID,即不难编码.
- 正如 @JBNizet 所指出的,基于数组的方法将保持顺序.
- On client side, you can directly iterate through array, withoutworrying in advance about which id is present inside it i.e. no hardcoding.
- As pointed out by @JBNizet, array based approach will maintain the order.
缺点:如果您想获取单个 ID,则需要遍历数组.
Disadvantage : If you want to fetch single id then you will need to iterate through the array.
通常我们不会在客户端发送太多信息,因此基于数组的方法不会造成任何问题.如果您想要基于 id 的方法,在双方(服务器和客户端)都可以将数组转换为地图.
Generally we don't send much information on client side, so array based approach will not create any problem. And transforming array into map is possible on both the side (server and client) if you want id based approach.
这篇关于对象数组 vs 对象对象的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!