

我当前正在使用 DynamoDB 流来通过lambda函数处理更改的集合值,但是,目前,我仅并行运行两个lambda实例,这不足以处理所有传入的数据和lambda函数刚刚排队。

I'm currently using DynamoDB streams to process changed collection values with lambda functions, however, currently, I'm only running two lambda instances in parallel, which is not enough to process all the incoming data and lambda functions are just queued up.

aws 文档中,我可以看到可以并行运行的lambda数量与DynamoDB的分片数量成正比:

From aws documentation I can see that number of lambdas that can run in parallel is proportional to the number of shards of your DynamoDB:


So my question is, how do I increase the number of shards of my DynamoDB? Is it even possible? I couldn't find how to set it up in the settings.


否,无法手动控制DDB UpdateStream中的分片数量。

No, its not possible to manually control number of shards in DDB UpdateStream.DDB automatically handles that for you by creating as many shards to match the incoming rate of updates.


Ideally updates happening to your DDB table is supposed to flow through some shard (updates happening to same record will always go to same shard meaning they are partitioned based on your hashKey).It is your stream of updates that too in chronological order thus updates over same record end up (or say queued up) in same shard so that end processor process them in sequence they happened.


Each shard has its own throughput capacity for in and out of data unless there is need of more shards to support in coming rate of updates on table (which in case of DDB updates streams is high write tps on your table, which current number of shards can't handle)


09-26 14:10