本文介绍了Cocoa应用程序的Crash Reporter的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm working on a Cocoa app targeting Leopard and above, and I'm thinking about adding a crash reporter to it (I'd like to think my app won't crash, but let's get real here). I have some mostly conceptual questions before I really get started.


1) How does this work conceptually, knowing when there's a crash and bringing up a reporter? Do I have a daemon running looking for a crash, or do I wait until my app is launched next time to report?


2) Can this be done in Cocoa? Or would I have to dip into Carbon or IOKit or somesuch?

3)这是个好主意吗? Mac OS X已经有一个内置的崩溃记录器,但作为开发人员我不会看到崩溃日志。我不认为我的应用程序会经常崩溃,坦率地说,但我只是不想天真,但这种事情。

3) Is this even a good idea? Mac OS X already has a built in crash reporter, but as a developer I don't get to see the crash logs. I don't think my app will be crashing often, frankly, but I just don't want to be naive but this sort of thing.





我会离开Smart Crash Reporter只是因为很多用户)不喜欢你的应用程序注入代码到意想不到的地方,它打击我作为一个脆弱的(可能是危险的使用在发布的应用程序)方法。

I'd stay away from Smart Crash Reporter just because many users (rightfully) don't appreciate your app injecting code into unexpected places and it strikes me as a fragile (perhaps dangerous to use in a released app) approach.

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08-23 01:20