


I would like to develop an application which uses a browser to interact with the user. The application is to be available offline and distributable via a zip.


The functions I would like to perform are to be handled by HTML, CSS, JS and I would like to make use of the IndexedDB functionality.


I have hit a problem with IndexedDB (Chrome) in that the same code works in an online space but not from a local hard drive location (file://).

请参考示例: http://jsfiddle.net/FwuUD/

(function() {

    var db;
    var dbreq = indexedDB.open("TestApp", 2);

    dbreq.onsuccess = function(e) {
        alert("Database created");
        db = e.target.result;

        var employeeStore = db.createObjectStore (
            {keyPath: "id"}


    dbreq.onerror = function(e) {
        alert("Database Error: " + e.target.errorCode);

    dbreq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
        alert("Database upgrade needed");




indexedDB API仅在Web服务器内部起作用.当您使用文件系统导航到它时,它将无法工作. indexedDB API需要使用域上下文,而文件系统不提供该上下文.简而言之,您需要一个URL才能使用api.

The indexedDB API only works inside a webserver. When you navigate to it using the file system it won't work. The indexedDB API needs a domain context to work in and the file system doesn't provide that. Short you need an url to use the api.


10-19 09:50