

我是IndexedDB的新手,并且正在遵循本指南 IndexedDB教程我只是尝试创建一个数据库,然后能够添加一些条目.到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的.

I am new to IndexedDB and I am following this guide IndexedDB Tutorial I am simply trying to create a database and then be able to add a few entries. This is what I have so far.

var db = window.indexedDB.open('FriendDB', 'My Friends!');

if (db.version != '1') {
    // User's first visit, initialize database (name, key, auto increment).
    db.createObjectStore('Friends', 'id', true);
} else {
  // DB already initialized.

var store = db.openObjectStore('Friends');
var user = store.put({name: 'Eric', gender: 'male', likes: 'html5'});


In my console I get the error "Cannot call method 'open' of undefined" how can I get this working? Also if there is a better resource online that would help me because I can't seem to find anything on the topic of IndexedDB for a newbie.


这是html5rocks的indexeddb演示,我对其进行了改进以在Mozilla Firefox上工作,并添加了用于查看详细信息数据和编辑现有数据的功能.里面有解释如何在indexeddb中创建数据库,插入,更新和删除数据的说明.

Here is the indexeddb demo from html5rocks which i have improved to work on Mozilla Firefox and added features for viewing details data and editing existing data. Inside you have explanations how to create db, insert, update and delete data in indexeddb.



10-19 09:50