

最近,Android Chrome的IndexedDB配额管理发生了变化吗?我在Ionic 3 Cordova应用中将PouchDB与适配器IndexedDB一起使用。在过去的六个月中,一切进展顺利。但是在过去的5天内,我收到了有关数据无法正确加载到应用程序中的投诉的大量增加。我的应用程序仅需要3-4 MB的数据。到目前为止,这是我所知道的:

Was there recently a change in Android Chrome's quota management for IndexedDB? I'm using PouchDB with adapter IndexedDB in an Ionic 3 Cordova app. It went pretty smooth for the last 6 months. But within the last 5 days, I received a significant increase in complaints about data not loading correctly in the app. My app requires only 3-4 MB of data. Here's what I know so far:

  • 仅在内部存储空间上磁盘空间不足的情况下才会出现问题(即使该应用已安装在SD卡上)

  • 受影响的设备几乎总是只有16GB的内部磁盘空间,而且似乎一直都满了。

  • 释放磁盘空间可解决问题

  • 当设备运行在150-250MB以下时,IndexedDB的已授予配额似乎已急剧减少。如果释放了额外的100-200MB,则授予的配额突然跳升到50MB或更多

  • 似乎最近对Chrome或Android进行了更改,引入了此问题,因为应用最近未收到更新,它甚至只影响了几KB数据的新用户。

  • Problem only occurs in situations with low disk space on the internal storage (even if the app is installed on an SD card)
  • Affected devices almost always have only 16GB of internal disk space and seem to be constantly full
  • Freeing disk space resolves the problem
  • There seems to be a sharp cut-off for the granted quota for IndexedDB when the device runs below 150-250MB or so. If an additional 100-200MB are freed, the granted quota suddenly jumps up to 50MB or more
  • It seems that there was a recent change to either Chrome or Android that introduced this problem, because my app didn't receive an update recently and it even affects new users with only a few KB of data.


I also suspected that maybe people took more photos in the last days, because the weather was pretty good, resulting in less free disk space and thus, a spike in reported errors. But I'd still find this an odd explanation.


Anyone else noticed similar problems in their apps? Any solutions besides switching to Cordova-SQLite?


Update 2018-05-03:


  • 设备几乎总是需要更多的1 GB免费内部存储空间。 500MB还不够

  • 如果您打算使用PouchDB迁移到SQLite,请阅读此问题的注释。附件可能有问题。

  • 如果您使用的是Ionic Storage(基于LocalForage),则在安装插件后它将自动切换到SQLite。就我而言,这导致数据库错误,我不得不为Ionic的存储切换 drivers driverOrder:['localstorage','indexeddb',' sqlite','websql']

  • Devices almost always require more an 1 GB of free internal storage. 500MB isn't enough anymore
  • If you plan to move to SQLite with PouchDB, read the comments of this question. There might be problems with attachments.
  • If you're using Ionic Storage (based on LocalForage), it will automatically switch to SQLite after you installed the plugin. In my case, this resulted in database errors and I had to switch drivers for Ionic's Storage: driverOrder: ['localstorage', 'indexeddb', 'sqlite', 'websql']



There really is a bug. It was fixed and merged, but it wasn't released yet (https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/73b18e372a83137f1198a350973225c4c145ceb6%5E%21/).

对于像这样的严重错误,它应该几乎立即修复并释放。 5月没有其他beta版本,M67将于5月29日发布()。

For a serious bug like this one it should be fixed and released almost immediately. There is no other beta release for May and M67 it will be released on May 29th (https://www.chromium.org/developers/calendar).


10-19 09:50