本文介绍了Struts 2中的ActionContext是当前请求唯一的吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在寻找与该操作使用的其他类/静态方法(例如Models)共享此db连接的便捷方法.例如,这样我可以调用User.get( id )User.getEmail( id )之类的静态方法,而不必将db连接分别传递给每个方法.


ServletActionContext.getActionContext().put("db", db );


public class User implements Model
   public static String getEmail(int id)
      Connection db = 
         (Connection) ServletActionContext.getActionContext().get("db");

我的问题是,是否会为每个给定的请求生成一个新的ActionContext,所以我可以确定每次都会使用一个新的数据库连接?例如,如果我有500个人访问mysite.com/fooAction,是否可以确定这500个请求中的每个请求都生成一个唯一的ActionContext,并且对User.getEmail()的每个调用将仅访问给定请求所独有的db连接? >



由于ActionContext使用ThreadLocal,所以它是线程安全的. Struts 2为每个请求创建一个ActionContext,每个请求都有自己的线程.因此,是的,如果您创建一个新的连接并将其存储在ActionContext中,则每个线程都将拥有自己的连接.但是我不建议您将连接存储在ActionContext中,因为这会使您与Struts 2耦合,这不是一件好事,而且您的服务也不应调用特定于Web的类,因为它也会将它们耦合.

摘自Struts 2 Javadoc :

ActionContext 摘录:

public class ActionContext implements Serializable {

    static ThreadLocal<ActionContext> actionContext = new ThreadLocal<ActionContext>();

I'm using a custom interceptor which creates a new db connection, and sets this connection onto the current action before executing the action. After that, the interceptor closes the connection.

I'm looking for a convenient way to share this db connection with other classes / static methods (such as Models) that are used by the action. E.g so I can call static method like User.get( id ) or User.getEmail( id ) without having to pass the db connection to each method separately.

I could set the db connection onto the ActionContext from the interceptor, by doing:

ServletActionContext.getActionContext().put("db", db );

And then I could access this db connection from a static method, such as:

public class User implements Model
   public static String getEmail(int id)
      Connection db = 
         (Connection) ServletActionContext.getActionContext().get("db");

My question is, would a new ActionContext be generated for every given request, so I can be sure that a new db connection will be used each time? E.g if I have 500 people visiting mysite.com/fooAction, could I be sure that each of those 500 requests is generating a unique ActionContext, and each call to User.getEmail() would access only the db connection which is unique to the given request?



Since ActionContext uses ThreadLocal it is thread safe. Struts 2 creates an ActionContext for each request, and each request has its own thread. So yes, if you create a new connection and store it in the ActionContext every thread will have its own connection. But I don't recommend you to store the connection in the ActionContext because this couple you to Struts 2 which is not a good thing, also your services shouldn't be calling web specific classes because it also couple them.

From Struts 2 Javadoc:

ActionContext excerpt:

public class ActionContext implements Serializable {

    static ThreadLocal<ActionContext> actionContext = new ThreadLocal<ActionContext>();

这篇关于Struts 2中的ActionContext是当前请求唯一的吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-21 11:06