


Are there other '.NET (2.0) Unit Testing Framework for Database Access Code' besides DbUnit.NET?


I've been trying DbUnit.NET and some things are not supported. Also, the project seems to be in alpha since 22nd May 2006...


We are refactoring our architecture to be able to do tests with mocking frameworks, but until that work is done I'd like to have a framework like DbUnit.NET (but better).


我在几年前就遇到了这个问题。我恼火DBUnit.Net的状态。它缺少对我很重要的功能。由于 IKVM ,它不是很难使用DbUnit的正常Java版本的dotnet的。作为事实上,我跑的C#集成测试,现在正在使用原来的DBUnit的。以下是我转换DBUnit的Java版本到.NET程序集:

I ran into this problem a few years ago. I was annoyed at the state of DBUnit.Net. It was missing features that were important to me. Thanks to IKVM, it's not very difficult to use the normal Java version of DBUnit from dotnet. As a matter of fact, I'm running C# integration tests right now that are using the original DBUnit. Here's how I converted the java version of DBUnit into a .Net assembly:

  • 在下载 IKVM
  • 将以下jar文件到一个共同的目录:公地集合-3.2.jar共享记录-1.1.jar的junit-4.1.jar公郎-2.2.jar的DbUnit-2.2.jar sqljdbc.jar


Now, from the command line with a working directory of the common jar directory:

ikvmc -target:libary -keyfile:yoursignature.snk -debug -version: -out:dbunit.dll *.jar


You can get necessary libraries from the following locations:

  • commons-* Apache Commons
  • dbunit.jar DbUnit homepage
  • sqljdbc.jar MSDN
  • junit.jar Junit homepage

如果您没有使用SQL Server作为您的数据库,然后用适当的JDBC驱动程序替换sqljdbc.jar。要直接从您的.NET code使用DbUnit,包括dbunit.dll及相应的IKVM组件。

If you are not using SQL Server as your database, then replace sqljdbc.jar with the appropriate JDBC driver. To use DBUnit directly from your .Net code, include dbunit.dll and the appropriate IKVM assemblies.


The jar versions I have given here are old. My notes on this subject are almost three years old. Newer versions will probably work, but I have not tried them.


09-18 03:55