本文介绍了错误 1001.初始化安装时发生异常的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am seeing the following error while trying to uninstall. How can I uninstall the software when there is no folder WRT the software in the program files.


Note: I have deleted the software folder from program files.


System.IO.FileNotFoundException. could not load file or assembly or its dependencies. the system cannot find the file specified.


I need the solution on how to uninstall the software when there is no folder existing the program files.


Broken Uninstalls:有几种方法可以解决这个问题,例如 1) 尝试运行已安装 MSI 的修复序列,它可能能够从原始安装位置或拉取文件>2) 再次运行原始安装程序本身 - 如安装顺序而不是修复顺序(必须是最初安装软件时使用的确切MSI文件)等...这些方法都容易失败,通常需要一些黑客"才能成功.

Broken Uninstalls: There are a few ways to approach this such as 1) trying to run the repair sequence of the installed MSI which might be able to pull files down from the original installation location or 2) run the original installer itself again - as in the install sequence rather than the repair sequence (must be the exact MSI file used to install the software originally), etc... These approaches are all vulnerable to failure and generally need some "hacking" to succeed.

Microsoft FixIt:这一切都导致推荐某种官方"的最后解决方案,它是 Microsoft FixIt 工具.它可用于通过取消注册"安装而不是为其运行实际卸载来清除损坏的卸载.它应该工作.如果你不需要,千万不要使用它,有风险.

Microsoft FixIt: This all leads to the recommendation of the last resort solution that is "sort of official", it is the Microsoft FixIt tool. It can be used to clean out broken uninstalls by "unregistering" the installation rather than running the actual uninstall for it. It should work. Never use it if you don't need to, there are risks.

日志记录&调试:以上应该可以工作,但这里是有关如何记录 MSI 操作的信息:创建和解释 MSI 日志的不同方法 以缩小所见问题的原因.

Logging & Debugging: The above should work, but here is information on how to log an MSI operation: Different ways to create and interpret MSI logs to narrow down the cause of the problem seen.

链接:下面是一些通用 MSI 卸载资源.第一个链接列出了损坏卸载的清理策略 - 其中一些非常hacky.第二个链接列出了调用卸载 MSI 文件的不同方法 - 有很多方法:

Links: Below some general-purpose MSI uninstall resources. The first link lists cleanup strategies for broken uninstall - very hacky some of it. The second link lists different ways to invoke uninstall of MSI files - there are a lot of ways:

  • Broken Uninstalls: Here is a generic list of cleanup approaches for broken uninstalls - most of this is very hacky, only use this if you really need to.
  • MSI Uninstall Approaches: Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec.

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09-06 02:21