

当我在.../build/中执行"pintos-run alarm-multiple"时,一切似乎都很好.

when i do "pintos -- run alarm-multiple" in .../build/ everything seems fine.

但是当我在.../build/中执行"make check"时,所有7个测试都因相同而失败运行未正确启动:没有"pintos booting"消息"

but when i do "make check" in .../build/ all 7 tests failed with the same"Run didn't start up properly: no "pintos booting" message"

pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs -- -q run alarm-single < /dev/null 2> tests/threads/alarm-single.errors > tests/threads/alarm-single.outputperl -I../.. ../../tests/threads/alarm-single.ck tests/threads/alarm-single tests/threads/alarm-single.resultFAIL tests/threads/alarm-singleRun didn't start up properly: no "Pintos booting" message

pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs -- -q run alarm-single < /dev/null 2> tests/threads/alarm-single.errors > tests/threads/alarm-single.outputperl -I../.. ../../tests/threads/alarm-single.ck tests/threads/alarm-single tests/threads/alarm-single.resultFAIL tests/threads/alarm-singleRun didn't start up properly: no "Pintos booting" message

然后我在.../build中发现"pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs--q run alarm-single"它给出了

then I discovered "pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs -- -q run alarm-single" in .../buildit gives a

Bochs退出并显示以下消息: [] bochsrc.txt:12:显示库"nogui"不可用

Bochs is exiting with the following message: [ ] bochsrc.txt:12: display library 'nogui' not available


if I take away the "-v" it will be fine.

如何解决此问题 显示库'nogui'不可用

How to fix this display library 'nogui' not available


似乎没人回答我...我终于明白了.只需更改bochs的configure即可:./configer --with-nogui然后再次编译:

Nobody seems to answer me... I got that myself at last.just need to change the bochs's configure : ./configer --with-noguiand then compile it again:


sudo make install

sudo make install

在此之后,pintos的make check将起作用.

After that pintos's make check will work.


09-27 09:49