

string val1="prince";<br />
string val2="PRINCE";

如何检查两个字符串值是否相等,如果相等,则必须显示一个Confirm box,味精Do u Want to Continue?,否则,如果两个字符串不同,则确认味精为The Two value are different, Do u want to Continue? ,我还需要将这些值保存到数据库.

Prince Antony G

How to check two string values are equal and if its equal then one Confirm box must be displayed,the msg Do u Want to Continue?, or otherwise if the two string are different then confirm msg be The Two value are different, Do u want to Continue? also i need to save those value into Database.

Prince Antony G


if(val1.Equals(val2, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
   // they are the same

要显示asp.net对话框,请参见此处: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/021104-1.aspx [ ^ ]

To show asp.net dialogs see here : http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/021104-1.aspx[^]

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   int comp = string.Compare(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, false);
// true - for case insensitive/ ignore case 
// false - for case sensitive 

        if (comp == 0) // If values are same
            Response.Write("<script>confirm('The Two Value Are Same. Do you Want to Continue?');</script>");

        else   // If values are different
            Response.Write("<script>confirm('The Two value are different, Do you  want to Continue?');</script>");

int result = string.Compare(val1, val2,true);

        if(result == 0)
//Strings are equal



09-21 06:35