

我有一个职位列表 (A) 和短语列表 (B).对于 A 中的每个标题,我想检查它是否包含来自 B 的短语(任何短语,我不在乎是哪个).

I have a list of job titles (A) and list of phrases (B). For each title in A I want to check if it contains a phrase (any phrase, I don't care which) from B.

| 1 |-----Example Column A------|----Example Column B----
| 2 |    Head of Marketing      |    Senior Developer
| 3 |  Lead Product Engineer    |    Marketing Manager
| 4 |     Sales Development     |    Sales Development
| 5 |  Senior Marketing Manager |

在上面的例子中,我想知道 A 列的最后两个单元格包含 B 列的单元格.

In the above example, I want to know that the last two cells in column A contain cells in column B.

我在网上找到了很多关于如何进行反向操作的示例,使用 * 来查找某个值是否包含在某个范围内.我还发现以下三个示例可以解决与我类似的问题,但没有一个对我有用.

I found lots of examples online of how to do the reverse, using * to find if a value is contained in a range. I also found the following three examples offered as solutions for problems similar to mine, but none worked for me.


我还尝试将 B 列中每个单元格的内容写入以星号开头和结尾(*高级开发人员 * 等),尝试使用 VLOOKUP、SUMPRODUCT、COUNTIF 均未成功.

I've also tried writing the contents of each cell in column B to start and end with an asterisk (*Senior Developer *, etc.), trying VLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, COUNTIF without success.



稍微修改了 Mrig 的公式:

Slightly modified Mrig's formula:






This formula will return the number of phrases matched.

如果你不想要计数,你可以把这个公式放在 IF 中.

You can put this formula in IF if you don't want the count.

=IF(SUMPRODUCT(ISNUMBER(FIND($B$2:$B$4,$A2))*1)>0,"Exist","Does Not Exist")


按降序对 Column A 进行排序后,我得到的是:

After sorting Column A in descending order output I get is:


08-03 23:05