

我想知道如果我当前的BCrypt的实现是正确的,我知道,我不使用 BCrypt.checkpw()这可能会导致一个问题,这是我在此验证的主要原因。


 code> abstract public class Hasher {
public static String hash(final char [] input){
String output = Hasher.hash(new String(input));
for(int i = 0; i input [i] = 0;
return output;

public static String hash(final String input){
return BCrypt.hashpw(input,BCrypt.gensalt());

这里有一个问题: JPasswordField 为了安全起见给了一个 char [] ,但 BCrypt.hashpw()接受字符串。如何避免String在我的内存中浮动?


  String hashedPassword = Hasher.hash(password); 
Network.getInstance()。send(login+ username ++ hashedPassword);

所以哈希值通过网络发送,目前网络没有加密, 。


  createAccount(final String username,final String password){
String hashedPassword = Hasher.hash(password.toCharArray());
return new Account(username,hashedPassword);


  public boolean checkPassword(final String hashedPassword){
return this.hashedPassword.equals(hashedPassword);

使用 this.hashedPassword


$ b(在启动时来自数据库)

  • 创建帐户/更改密码需要服务器大量时间,

  • 验证登录尝试几乎没有时间用于服务器,因为不需要进行哈希。

  • 如果有人获取了包含哈希值的数据库,那么每个帐户需要花费大量时间来破解密码。

  • 我仍然需要找出一个很好的工作因子为 BCrypt.gensalt()。

  • 请验证我的假设。






    这些问题都可以很容易地解决通过移动所有散列服务器端。 p>



    1)如果您有创建安全系统的任何意图,您应该使用SSL / TLS。发送密码哈希在明确几乎是完全不安全发送密码在明确。这两个都是一个可怕的想法。使用HTTPS。


    I would like to know if my current implementation of BCrypt is correct, I am aware that I am not using BCrypt.checkpw() which may lead to an issue so that is the main reason I verify it here.

    Hasher.java container class:

    abstract public class Hasher {
        public static String hash(final char[] input) {
            String output = Hasher.hash(new String(input));
            for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
                input[i] = 0;
            return output;
        public static String hash(final String input) {
            return BCrypt.hashpw(input, BCrypt.gensalt());

    One concern here: JPasswordField gives me a char[] for security reasons, however BCrypt.hashpw() only accepts Strings. How can I avoid that String from floating around in my memory?

    The client implementation of logging in:

    String hashedPassword = Hasher.hash(password);
    Network.getInstance().send("login " + username + " " + hashedPassword);

    So the hash gets sent over the network, currently the network is not encrypted but I plan on adding that.

    The server implementation on account creation:

    public static Account createAccount(final String username, final String password) {
        String hashedPassword = Hasher.hash(password.toCharArray());
        return new Account(username, hashedPassword);

    The server implementation of checking password:

    public boolean checkPassword(final String hashedPassword) {
        return this.hashedPassword.equals(hashedPassword);

    With this.hashedPassword being the hash that is in the server's memory (which comes from a database on bootup).

    Properties of my setup:

    • Logging in takes the client significant time, as the password is hashed there.
    • Creating an account/Changing password takes the server significant time, as the password is hashed on the server then.
    • Validating login attempts takes the server practically no time, as no hashing needs to be done.
    • If someone gets hold of the database containing the hashes, then it will take him significant time to crack the password per account.
    • I still need to figure out a good work factor for the BCrypt.gensalt().

    Please verify my assumptions.



    There are a couple problems with this setup.

    1) The salt should be a value randomly generated during the hashing process (as it seems to be in your implementation. Since the client does not have access to the database of stored hashes, the client will not know what salt to use when creating a login hash.

    2) This implementation is not actually checking the password passed by the client, it's checking the password hash passed by the client. That means that if someone gets your database of hashes, they can immediately use those hashes to login. Then do not need to crack them to extract passwords, since you do not check the passwords.

    Both these issues can be easily solved by moving all hashing server side.


    Regarding the issues you mentioned.

    1) If you have any intention of creating a secure system, you should be using SSL/TLS. Sending password hashes in the clear is almost as totally insecure as sending passwords in the clear. Both are a terrible idea. Use HTTPS.

    2) Performing server side hashing is a pretty ordinary practice. The hashing process is computationally expensive enough to make exhaustive search impractical, but it shouldn't hinder your authentication workflow. If you're really concerned about being DoSed, keep track of how many times a given user has tried to login in the last N seconds. If they've failed a certain number of times, lock their account.


    08-26 03:24