

我正在使用Visual Studio 2005 SP1和Crystal Reports XI R2SP1。我为我的报告创建了一个数据集,其中有几个包含图像的BLOB字段。其中一个图像是National Instruments图形控件。打印报告时,所有图像的质量都低于原始图像。例如,该图显示了图和文本周围的相当多的压缩工件。我试过打开"保留原始图像颜色深度"设置对我看到的打印输出质量没有影响。似乎Crystal Reports正在压缩图像。

I am using Visual Studio 2005 SP1 along with Crystal Reports XI R2SP1.  I have created a dataset for my report which has several BLOB fields that contain images.  One of the images is of a National Instruments graph control.  All images appear to be of lower quality than the original images when I print the report.  For instance the graph shows quite a bit of compression artifacts around the plots and text.  I have tried turning on the "Retain Original Image Color Depth" setting which had no effect on the quality of the printout that I could see.  It appears that Crystal Reports is compressing the images.

是否有更好的方法在Crystal Report中打印图像?基本上我现在正在做的是拍摄图像,将它们转换为字节数组并将它们加载到数据集的BLOB字段中。然后打印报告。我曾考虑在Crystal Reports中使用图表控件,但它没有我需要的所有功能。有没有办法将NI图形控件直接复制到报告中?我可以在其他图像上使用较低的质量,但我需要图表尽可能清晰。

 Is there a better way of printing images in a Crystal Report?  Basically what I am doing now is taking the images, converting them to byte arrays and loading them into the dataset's BLOB fields.  Then printing the report.  I have thought about using the chart control in Crystal Reports but it does not have all the functionality that I require.  Is there some way to copy the NI graph control directly to the report?  I can live with lower quality on the other images, but I need the graph to be as sharp as possible.



08-04 00:47