本文介绍了并发SortedList或O(log n)并发集合的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要从ASP.NET MVC应用程序中的数据库缓存大量数据,并且想使用SortedList.我知道.NET 4.0添加了并发集合,但是没有排序的集合.我当时在考虑使用SynchronizedCollection,但是它甚至在读取时都使用锁(如果我没记错的话),所以我在寻找其他选项.基本上,我需要一个访问复杂度为O(log n)的并发集合.

I need to cache a lot of data from database in ASP.NET MVC application and would like to use SortedList. I know .NET 4.0 added concurrent collections but there is no sorted collection.I was thinking to use SynchronizedCollection, but it is intensively using locks even for reads (if I am not mistaken), so I am looking for other options. Basically I need a concurrent collection with O(log n) access complexity.


void WrappedAdd(TKey k, TValue v)
  var copy = new SortedList<TKey, TValue>(_sortedList);
  copy.Add(k, v);
  _sortedList = copy;



Your requirements are pretty vague, so I don't really know what you want. Is the collection supposed to have indexing? Key-value semantics?

我不确定这是否符合您的要求,但是您可以使用新的Microsoft 不可变的收藏库.目前可以在NuGet上将其作为预览.其中包含排序后的集合(排序后的集合和词典).

I'm not sure if this fits with what you want, but you could use the new Microsoft immutable collections library. It's currently available on NuGet as a preview. It contains sorted collections (sorted sets and dictionaries), among other things.


These collections aren't concurrent themselves (in fact, concurrency is a non-issue; they can't be modified). However, you can use them in a concurrent setting by wrapping them, and using a lock during a write. Reading is thread-safe because the only mutation is assigning a reference, which is an atomic operation, so you're guaranteed to get the most up to date results you possibly could.

它们是基于树的,因此大多数操作都是 log n .

They're tree-based so most operations are log n.

public class ConcurrentWrapper<TKey, T> {
    ImmutableSortedDictionary<TKey, T> _inner;

    public void Add(TKey key, T item) {
        lock (_inner) {
            _inner = _inner.Add(key, item);

    public T Get(TKey key) {
        return _inner[key];

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09-14 10:57