

是否可以在我的网站上嵌入我的Picasa视频(而不是整个专辑),使其直接在网站上播放而无需重定向回Picasa(有点像youtube嵌入式视频)?我在其他网站上看到过此消息,但似乎无法正常工作。即使我当前正在查看的文件是视频,Picasa也会一直为我提供照片的链接和嵌入代码。另外,我不介意为您提供有关google +照片或picasaweb.google.com的建议(它们是同一个东西)。

Is it possible to embed my Picasa videos (not the whole album) on my website so it plays directly on the website without redirecting back to Picasa (kinda like youtube embedded videos)? I've seen this done on another website but can't seem to get mine to work. Picasa keeps giving me the links and embedded code for a photo even tho the file I'm currently viewing is a video. Also, you can give suggestions for both google+ photos or picasaweb.google.com (they are the same thing), I don't mind.Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


您可以将视频上传到YouTube并使用其方法。 Picasa具有直接上传到YouTube的链接。有关更多详细信息,请检查以下链接:-

You can upload your video to YouTube and use their method. Picasa has a direct upload link to YouTube. For more details check following link:-https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/picasa/PMc9U3y5Iy8


06-24 03:06