

感谢您的帮助。 :)

If I am given 100 points in the coordinate system, and I have to find if there exist a right angled triangle in those vertices.Is there a way that I can detect the right angled triangle among those vertices without having to choose all pairs of 3 vertices and then applying Pythagoras theorem on them??Can there be a better algorithm for this?Thanks for any help. :)


下面是一个为O(n ^ 2 log n)的-time 算法两个维度仅。我将描述什么不顺心的更高的维度。

Here's an O(n^2 log n)-time algorithm for two dimensions only. I'll describe what goes wrong in higher dimensions.

设S是集合点,其中有整数坐标。对于S中的每个点o,构建一套非零矢量V(0)= {对 - Ø| p在的S - {Ø}}和测试是否V(O)包含如下线性时间两个正交向量。

Let S be the set of points, which have integer coordinates. For each point o in S, construct the set of nonzero vectors V(o) = {p - o | p in S - {o}} and test whether V(o) contains two orthogonal vectors in linear time as follows.

方法1:每个向量(X,Y)推崇到(x / GCD(X,Y)中,y / GCD(X,Y)),其中|最大公约数(X,Y)|是,把X和Y,且其中最大公约数(X,Y)为负,如果y为负,正,如果y是正数,和最大的整数| X |如果y为零。 (这是非常相似的投入最简的分数。)关于两个维度的关键事实是,对于每一个非零向量,有正好一个典型矢量正交存在于载体中,具体地,所述封(-y,x)的。插入V(O)每个向量册封成一组数据结构,然后,在V​​(O)每个向量,仰望它的规范正交队友在该数据结构。我假设的GCD和/或一组操作需要时间O(log n)的。

Method 1: canonize each vector (x, y) to (x/gcd(x, y), y/gcd(x, y)), where |gcd(x, y)| is the largest integer that divides both x and y, and where gcd(x, y) is negative if y is negative, positive if y is positive, and |x| if y is zero. (This is very similar to putting a fraction in lowest terms.) The key fact about two dimensions is that, for each nonzero vector, there exists exactly one canonical vector orthogonal to that vector, specifically, the canonization of (-y, x). Insert the canonization of each vector in V(o) into a set data structure and then, for each vector in V(o), look up its canonical orthogonal mate in that data structure. I'm assuming that the gcd and/or set operations take time O(log n).

方法2:在媒介定义的比较如下。鉴于矢量(A,B),(C,D),写(A,B)< (C,D)当且仅当

Method 2: define a comparator on vectors as follows. Given vectors (a, b), (c, d), write (a, b) < (c, d) if and only if

s1 s2 (a d - b c) < 0,


s1 = -1 if b < 0 or (b == 0 and a < 0)
      1 otherwise
s2 = -1 if d < 0 or (d == 0 and c < 0)
      1 otherwise.

排序使用此比较的载体。 (这是非常相似的比较分数 A / B C / D )。对于每个向量(X, Y)在V(O),其正交队友二进制搜索(-y,X)。

Sort the vectors using this comparator. (This is very similar to comparing the fraction a/b with c/d.) For each vector (x, y) in V(o), binary search for its orthogonal mate (-y, x).


In three dimensions, the set of vectors orthogonal to the unit vector along the z-axis is the entire x-y-plane, and the equivalent of canonization fails to map all vectors in this plane to one orthogonal mate.


08-16 06:41