

我想使用libgdx的资源加载器加载具有漫反射纹理和法线贴图的3D模型.据我所知,fbx(以及转换后的g3dj/g3db)格式可以包含漫反射纹理,如我在fbx-conv示例中所见. (knight.g3db)

I want to load a 3D model with a diffuse texture and a normal map using the asset loader of libgdx.As far as I figured out the fbx (and the converted g3dj/g3db) format can contain a diffuse texture, as I could see in the fbx-conv example. (knight.g3db)

如何向其添加法线贴图纹理?我是否需要为此编写自己的着色器,或者是否有简化的方法? (例如漫反射纹理)

How do I add a normal map texture to it?Do I have to write my own shader for that or is there a simplified method for that? (like for the diffuse texture)



Normal map is supported from FBX all the way up to the DefaultShader class. So if your model (FBX file) contains a normal map, it should be available in your shader. However the default shader (GLSL files) don't support normal map. So you'll have to write your own shader. The tests contain some examples on normal mapping (ShaderCollectionTest) although it might be a bit hard to read.

统一名称为u_normalTexture,并在此处设置: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/blob/master/gdx/src/com/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g3d/shaders/DefaultShader.java#L228

The uniform name is u_normalTexture, and set here: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/blob/master/gdx/src/com/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g3d/shaders/DefaultShader.java#L228


09-01 23:31