


I am trying to find out if there is a way to get details of blkid of an unmounted volume, through some native golang library. I am particularly interested in fstype of the volume



I don't think there is a native library - I couldn't find one.


  1. 掏出 blkid 实用程序
  2. cgo 接口写入 libblkid
  3. 浏览 libblkid 源代码并在go中重新实现它
  1. Shell out to the blkid utility
  2. Write a cgo interface to libblkid
  3. Trawl through the libblkid source and re-implement it in go

1非常简单.2更难.根据您想要的 blkid 的确切功能,3可能会很容易. strace blkid args ,似乎有多少系统调用可以用来获得您想要的想法的结果.

1 is very easy. 2 is harder. 3 might be easy depending on exactly which feature of blkid you want. strace blkid args and seem how many system calls it does to get the result you want to get an idea.

我可能会选择1.,因为 blkid 是您肯定拥有的核心linux工具之一.

I'd probably go with 1. as blkid is one of the core linux tools which you are guaranteed to have I think.


06-24 00:14