


1)。 < description>& lt; img src =http& amp;#58;&#47;&#47; buavhw.blu.livefilestore.com&#47; y1ppCokLxFJSG2cmyPdvg ...

我不得不在上面的字符串中添加额外的编码,以便它在这里正确显示。下面的字符串是它直接粘贴到文本框时的显示方式。 < img src =http&#58;&#47;&#47; buavhw.blu.livefilestore.com& amp;#47;&#47;< ;#47; y1ppCokLxFJSG2cmyPdvg ...


)。 < description>< img src =http://buavhw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1ppCokLxFJSG2cmyPdvg ...


我建议你在xsl:value = of tag中使用especial属性,那就是
disable-output-escaping =yes

 < xsl:value-of select =descriptiondisable-output-escaping =yes/> 

I am trying to style an rss feed using xslt. I want to display an image that is stored in the tag on the feed. The problem is it is encoded to display as text on the page instead of being rendered. The following is an example of part of the string.

1). <description>&lt;img src="http&amp;#58;&amp;#47;&amp;#47;buavhw.blu.livefilestore.com&amp;#47;y1ppCokLxFJSG2cmyPdvg...

I had to add extra coding to the string above to get it to appear properly here. The string below is how it appears when I paste it directly into the text box.

2). <description><img src="http&#58;&#47;&#47;buavhw.blu.livefilestore.com&#47;y1ppCokLxFJSG2cmyPdvg...

If I copy and paste it again from the preview window it only then becomes the following string.

3). <description><img src="http://buavhw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1ppCokLxFJSG2cmyPdvg...


I'd suggest you to use an especial property in xsl:value=of tag and that is disable-output-escaping="yes"use like this:

<xsl:value-of select="description" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>


10-19 15:02