


I am currently developing a CNN model with Keras (an autoencoder). This type my inputs are of shape (47,47,3), that is a 47x47 image with 3 (RGB) layers.


I have worked with some CNN's in the past, but this time my input dimensions are prime numbers (47 pixels). This I think is causing issues with my implementation, specifically when using MaxPooling2D and UpSampling2D in my model. I noticed that some dimensions are lost when max pooling and then up sampling.

使用model.summary(),我看到将 (47,47,3) 输入通过Conv2D(24)和带有(2,2)内核的MaxPooling(即24个滤镜和一半形状)传递后,我得到了输出形状为 (24, 24, 24) .

Using model.summary() I can see that after passing my (47,47,3) input through a Conv2D(24) and MaxPooling with a (2,2) kernel (that is 24 filters and half the shape) I get a output shape of (24, 24, 24).

现在,如果我尝试通过使用(2,2)内核(形状加倍)的UpSampling进行反转并再次卷积,则会得到 (48,48,3) 形状的输出.那是一排多余的行和列.

Now, if I try to reverse that by UpSampling with a (2,2) kernel (double the shape) and convolving again I get a (48,48,3) shaped output. That is one extra row and column than needed.

为此,我认为没问题,只需选择一个内核大小即可在向上采样时为您提供所需的47个像素" ,但是考虑到47是质数,在我看来没有内核大小可以做到这一点.

To this I thought "no problem, just chose a kernel size that gives you the desired 47 pixels when up sampling", but given that 47 is a prime number it seems to me that there is no kernel size that can do that.


Is there any way to bypass this problem that does not involve changing my input dimensions to a non-prime? Maybe I am missing something in my approach or maybe Keras has some feature I ignore that could help here.


我建议您使用 ZeroPadding2D Cropping2D .您可以使用0 s不对称地填充图像,而无需调整大小即可获得均匀大小的图像.这应该解决上采样的问题.此外,请记住在所有卷积层中设置padding=same.

I advice you to use ZeroPadding2D and Cropping2D. You can pad your image asymmetrically with 0s and obtain an even size of your image without resizing it. This should solve the problem with upsampling. Moreover - remember about setting padding=same in all of your convolutional layers.


Just to give you an example strategy on how to perform such operations:

  1. 如果在合并网络之前,网络的大小是奇数-对其进行零填充以使其均匀.
  2. 在进行相应的上采样操作后,请使用裁切功能将特征图恢复为原始的奇数大小.


10-12 02:35