I want to convert some color values from well know HSL to less known HSLum how to do it?
hsl(0, 1.0, 0.5) - rgb red is hslum(0, 1.0., 0.54)
hsl(120, 1.0, 0.5 - rgb green is hslum(0, 1.0, 0.80)
hsl(240, 1.0, 0.5) - rgb blue is hslum(0, 1.0, 0.44)
As far as I know luminance (not lightness) is calculate in such way:
Y = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
我阅读了一些文章:亮度(相对), 21296247 , HSL和HSV, luma ,亮度,孟塞尔但找不到解决方案?
I read some articles: Luminance (relative), 21296247, HSL and HSV, luma, Lightness, Munsell but not found solution?
据我所知,CIELab 1976公式接近 Munsell :
As far I know CIELab 1976 formula is near Munsell:
1.16*(Y/Ymax)^1.16*(Y/Ymax)^(1.0/3.0)-0.16 where Y/Ymax > 0.01
1.16*(Y/Ymax)^(1.0/3.0)-0.16 where Y/Ymax > (6/29)^3
1.16*(841.0/108.0)*(Y/Ymax)+(4.0/29.0)-0.16 where Y/Ymax <= (6/29)^3
- HSL-> HSLum
- HSLum-> HSL
- HSLum-> RGB
Any hints will be welcome - algorithms suggestions.
这是一些 HSLum 的工具.
如果您打算生成和使用感知均匀的颜色,则可以使用 HSLuv ,由 Alexei Boronine 创建的库可以使用多种编程语言.
If you intend to generate and work with perceptually uniform colors you can use HSLuv, a library created by Alexei Boronine which is available in multiple programming languages.
它基于 CIELUV颜色空间,并实现了各种颜色转换例程,例如 rgbToHsluv , hsluvToRgb , hexToHsluv , hsluvToHex 等
It is based on the CIELUV colorspace and implements various color conversion routines, like rgbToHsluv, hsluvToRgb, hexToHsluv, hsluvToHex etc.
The library does not support direct conversion from HSL to HSLuv, but you can convert HSL to RGB as described here and afterwards use rgbToHsluv.