本文介绍了每个框架内的module.modulemap文件中的export *是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have created one framework named Communication, inside framework container there is one module.modulemap file.


framework module Communication {
  umbrella header "Communication.h"

  export *
  module * { export * }


I can understand that module required umbrella header to expose it to containing application/target.


But what is meaning of other two lines of code.

  export *
  module * { export * }


If any have idea what this lines exporting ?



Modular Framework在下一个路径中包含.modulemap文件

Modular Framework contains .modulemap file in the next path



ProductName -> Product Module Name -> <name>.modulemap -> framework module <name>

创建库时,您应该手动创建并设置它,当您创建框架时如果Build Settings -> Defines Module -> YES,Xcode会自动生成它.

When you create a library you should create and setup it manually, when you create a framework Xcode generates its automatically if Build Settings -> Defines Module -> YES.

创建自己的.modulemap文件时,您必须更新Build Settings -> Module Map File

When you create your own .modulemap file you have to update a path in Build Settings -> Module Map File

注意:我使用explicit module来表明Xcode会产生错误

Lets take a look at the example:
Note: I use explicit module to show that Xcode will generate errors

#import "ClassAA.h"


#import "ClassA.h"
#import "ClassB.h"

framework module Module {
    //Expose all imports from Module.h for Module module recursively
    //    import Module - you can use ClassA, ClassB, ClassAA
    umbrella header "Module.h" 
    //explicit module * { }
    //    1. `module` works only with `umbrella`
    //    2. Generates a submodule for every header inside Module.h recursively
    //        import Module.ClassA, import Module.ClassB, import Module.ClassC
    //explicit module * { export * }
    //export all imports from <submodule_name>.h for <submodule_name> module
    //    import Module.ClassA - you can use ClassA, ClassAA (ClassAA was added)
    explicit module * { export * }

    //export all imports from Module.h for Module module
    //    import Module.ClassA - you can use ClassA, ClassAA, ClassB(ClassB was added)
    export *

这篇关于每个框架内的module.modulemap文件中的export *是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-19 01:19