本文介绍了Pandas DataFrame:复杂线性插值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a dataframe with 4 sections


Section 1: Product details


Section 2: 6 Potential product values based on a range of simulations


Section 3: Upper and lower bound for the input parameter to the simulations


Section 4: Randomly generated values for the input parameters


Section 2 is generated by pricing the product at equal intervals between the upper and lower bound.


I need to take the values in Section 4 and figure out the corresponding product value. Here is a possible setup for this dataframe:

table2 = pd.DataFrame({
        'Product Type': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
        'State_1_Value': [10, 11, 12, 13],
    'State_2_Value': [20, 21, 22, 23],
    'State_3_Value': [30, 31, 32, 33],
    'State_4_Value': [40, 41, 42, 43],
    'State_5_Value': [50, 51, 52, 53],
    'State_6_Value': [60, 61, 62, 63],
    'Lower_Bound': [-1, 1, .5, 5],
    'Upper_Bound': [1, 2, .625, 15],
    'sim_1': [0, 0, .61, 7],
    'sim_2': [1, 1.5, .7, 9],

>>> table2
   Lower_Bound Product Type  State_1_Value  State_2_Value  State_3_Value  \
0         -1.0            A             10             20             30
1          1.0            B             11             21             31
2          0.5            C             12             22             32
3          5.0            D             13             23             33

   State_4_Value  State_5_Value  State_6_Value  Upper_Bound  sim_1  sim_2
0             40             50             60        1.000    0.0    1.0
1             41             51             61        2.000    0.0    1.5
2             42             52             62        0.625    0.61    0.7
3             43             53             63       15.000    7.0    9.0


I will run through a couple examples of this calculation to make it clear what my question is.


Product A - sim_2The input here is 1.0. This is equal to the upper bound for this product. Therefore the simulation value is equivalent to the state_6 value - 60

产品B-sim_2输入为1.5. LB到UB的范围是(1,2),因此6个状态是{1,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2}. 1.5恰好位于state_3(其值为31)和State 4(其值为41)的中间.因此,模拟值为36.

Product B - sim_2The input here is 1.5. the LB to UB range is (1,2), therefore the 6 states are {1,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2}. 1.5 is exactly in the middle of state_3 which has a value of 31 and state 4 which has a value of 41. Therefore the simulation value is 36.

产品C-sim_1此处输入为0.61. LB到UB的范围是(.5,.625),因此6个状态是{.5,.525,.55,.575,.6,.625}. .61在状态5和状态6之间.具体地说,它将落入的存储桶将为5 *(.61-.5)/(.625-.5)+1 = 5.4(将其乘以5即为该数字间隔-您可以通过其他方式进行计算并获得相同的结果).然后,为了计算该值,我们使用该存储桶权衡状态5和状态6的值:(62-52)*(5.4-5)+52 = 56.

Product C - sim_1The input here is .61. The LB to UB range is (.5,.625), therefore the 6 states are {.5,.525,.55,.575,.6,.625}. .61 is between state 5 and 6. Specifically the bucket it would fall under would be 5*(.61-.5)/(.625-.5)+1 = 5.4 (it is multiplied by 5 as that is the number of intervals - you can calculate it other ways and get the same result). Then to calculate the value we use that bucket in a weighing of the values for state 5 and state 6: (62-52)*(5.4-5)+52 = 56.

产品B-sim_1此处的输入为0,低于1的下限.因此,我们需要外推该值.我们使用与上述相同的公式,仅使用状态1和状态2的值进行推断.桶将为5 *(0-1)/(2-1)+1 = -4.这两个值分别用于11和21,因此值为(21-11)*(-4-1)+ 11 = -39

Product B - sim_1The input here is 0 which is below the lower bound of 1. Therefore we need to extrapolate the value. We use the same formula as above we just use the values of state 1 and state 2 to extrapolate. The bucket would be 5*(0-1)/(2-1)+1 = -4. The two values used at 11 and 21, so the value is (21-11)*(-4-1)+11= -39


I've also simplified the problem to try to visualize the solution, my final code needs to run on 500 values and 10,000 simulations, and the dataframe will have about 200 rows.


Here are the formulas I've used for the interpolation although I'm not committed to them specifically.

桶= N *(sim_value-LB)/(UB-LB)+ 1其中N是间隔数

Bucket = N*(sim_value-LB)/(UB-LB) + 1where N is the number of intervals


then nLower is the state value directly below the bucket, and nHigher is the state value directly above the bucket. If the bucket is outside the UB/LB, then force nLower and nHigher to be either the first two or last two values.

最终值=(nHigher-nLower)*(桶1-number_value_of_nLower)+ nLower

Final_value = (nHigher-nLower)*(Bucket1 - number_value_of_nLower)+nLower


To summarize, my question is how I can generate the final results based on the combination of input data provided. The most challenging part to me is how to make the connection from the Bucket number to the nLower and nHigher values.



I posted a superior solution with no loops here:


df= pd.DataFrame({
            'Product Type': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
            'State_1_Value': [10, 11, 12, 13],
        'State_2_Value': [20, 21, 22, 23],
        'State_3_Value': [30, 31, 32, 33],
        'State_4_Value': [40, 41, 42, 43],
        'State_5_Value': [50, 51, 52, 53],
        'State_6_Value': [60, 61, 62, 63],
        'Lower_Bound': [-1, 1, .5, 5],
        'Upper_Bound': [1, 2, .625, 15],
        'sim_1': [0, 0, .61, 7],
        'sim_2': [1, 1.5, .7, 9],

buckets = df.ix[:,-2:].sub(df['Lower_Bound'],axis=0).div(df['Upper_Bound'].sub(df['Lower_Bound'],axis=0),axis=0) * 5 + 1
low = buckets.applymap(int)
high = buckets.applymap(int) + 1
low = low.applymap(lambda x: 1 if x < 1 else x)
low = low.applymap(lambda x: 5 if x > 5 else x)
high = high.applymap(lambda x: 6 if x > 6 else x)
high = high.applymap(lambda x: 2 if x < 2 else x)
low_value = pd.DataFrame(df.filter(regex="State|Type").values[np.arange(low.shape[0])[:,None], low])
high_value = pd.DataFrame(df.filter(regex="State|Type").values[np.arange(high.shape[0])[:,None], high])
df1 = (high_value - low_value).mul((buckets - low).values) + low_value
df1['Product Type'] = df['Product Type']

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09-05 11:08