本文介绍了"[0] [0]"是什么意思? keras模型中连接的各层的层数.摘要是什么意思?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



As is depicted in the following table, what does the [0][0] of the input_1[0][0] mean?

Layer (type)          Output Shape  Param # Connected to
input_1 (InputLayer)  (None, 1)     0
dropout_1 (Dropout)   (None, 1)     0       input_1[0][0]
dropout_2 (Dropout)   (None, 1)     0       input_1[0][0]
Total params: 0
Trainable params: 0
Non-trainable params: 0



That's a good question, however to answer it we must dive into the internals of how layers are connected to each other in Keras. So let's start:



A tensor is a data structure that represent data and they are basically n-dimensional arrays. All the data and information passed between layers must be tensors.



In the simplest sense, a layer is a computation unit where it gets one or more input tensors, then applies a set of operations (e.g. multiplication, addition, etc.) on them, and gives the result as one or more output tensors. When you apply a layer on some input tensors, under the hood a Node is created.


为了表示两层之间的连通性,Keras内部使用了 Node 类.将图层应用于某些新输入时,将创建一个节点并将其添加到该图层的_inbound_nodes属性中.此外,当一层的输出被另一层使用时,会创建一个新节点并将其添加到该层的_outbound_nodes属性.因此,从本质上讲,此数据结构使Keras可以使用Node类型的对象的以下属性来查找各层之间的连接方式:

To represent the connectivity between two layers, Keras internally uses an object of Node class. When a layer is applied on some new input, a node is created and is added to the _inbound_nodes property of that layer. Further, when the output of a layer is used by another layer, a new node is created and is added to _outbound_nodes property of that layer. So essentially, this data structure lets Keras to find out how layers are connected to each other using the following properties of an object of type Node:

  • input_tensors:这是一个包含节点输入张量的列表.
  • output_tensors:这是一个包含节点输出张量的列表.
  • inbound_layers:这是一个列表,其中包含input_tensors所在的图层.
  • outbound_layers:使用者层,即采用input_tensors并将其转换为output_tensors的层.
  • node_indices:这是一个整数列表,其中包含input_tensors的节点索引(将在以下问题的答案中对此进行详细说明).
  • tensor_indices:这是一个整数列表,其中包含input_tensors在它们相应的入站层中的索引(将在下面的问题的答案中对此进行解释).
  • input_tensors: it is a list containing the input tensors of the node.
  • output_tensors: it is a list containing the output tensors of the node.
  • inbound_layers: it is a list which contains the layers where the input_tensors come from.
  • outbound_layers: the consumer layers, i.e. the layers that takes input_tensors and turns them into output_tensors.
  • node_indices: it is a list of integers which contains the node indices of input_tensors (would explain this more in the answer to the following question).
  • tensor_indices: it is a list of integers which contains the indices of input_tensors within their corresponding inbound layer (would explain this more in the answer to the following question).



To better understand this, let's create a simple model. First, let's create two input layers:

inp1 = Input((10,))
inp2 = Input((20,))


Next, we create a Lambda layer that has two output tensors, the first output is the input tensor divided by 2, and the second output is the input tensor multiplied by 2:

lmb_layer = Lambda(lambda x: [x/2, x*2])


Let's apply this lambda layer on inp1 and inp2:

a1, b1 = lmb_layer(inp1)
a2, b2 = lmb_layer(inp2)


After doing this, two nodes have been created and added to _inbound_nodes property of lmb_layer:

>>> lmb_layer._inbound_nodes
[<keras.engine.base_layer.Node at 0x7efb9a105588>,
 <keras.engine.base_layer.Node at 0x7efb9a105f60>]


The first node corresponds to the connectivity of the lmb_layer with the first input layer (inp1) and the second node corresponds to the connectivity of this layer with the second input layer (inp2). Further, each of those nodes have two output tensors (corresponding to a1,b1 and a2,b2):

>>> lmb_layer._inbound_nodes[0].output_tensors
[<tf.Tensor 'lambda_1/truediv:0' shape=(?, 10) dtype=float32>,
 <tf.Tensor 'lambda_1/mul:0' shape=(?, 10) dtype=float32>]

>>> lmb_layer._inbound_nodes[1].output_tensors
[<tf.Tensor 'lambda_1_1/truediv:0' shape=(?, 20) dtype=float32>,
 <tf.Tensor 'lambda_1_1/mul:0' shape=(?, 20) dtype=float32>]


Now, let's create and apply four different Dense layers and apply them on the four output tensors we obtained:

d1 = Dense(10)(a1)
d2 = Dense(20)(b1)
d3 = Dense(30)(a2)
d4 = Dense(40)(b2)

model = Model(inputs=[inp1, inp2], outputs=[d1, d2, d3, d4])


Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 10)           0
input_2 (InputLayer)            (None, 20)           0
lambda_1 (Lambda)               multiple             0           input_1[0][0]
dense_1 (Dense)                 (None, 10)           110         lambda_1[0][0]
dense_2 (Dense)                 (None, 20)           220         lambda_1[0][1]
dense_3 (Dense)                 (None, 30)           630         lambda_1[1][0]
dense_4 (Dense)                 (None, 40)           840         lambda_1[1][1]
Total params: 1,800
Trainable params: 1,800
Non-trainable params: 0

在图层的连接到"列中,值的格式为:layer_name[x][y]. layer_name对应于此层的输入张量所来自的层.例如,所有Dense层都连接到lmb_layer,因此从该层获取其输入. [x][y]分别对应于输入张量的节点索引(即node_indices)和张量索引(即tensor_indices).例如:

In the "Connected to" column for a layer the values have a format of: layer_name[x][y]. The layer_name corresponds to the layer where the input tensors of the this layer comes from. For example, all the Dense layers are connected to lmb_layer and therefore get their inputs from this layer. The [x][y] corresponds to the node index (i.e. node_indices) and tensor index (i.e. tensor_indices) of the the input tensors, respectively. For example:

  • dense_1层应用于a1,这是lmb_layer的第一个(即索引:0)入站节点的第一个(即索引:0)输出张量,因此显示连通性如:lambda_1[0][0].

  • The dense_1 layer is applied on a1 which is the first (i.e. index: 0) output tensor of the first (i.e. index: 0) inbound node of lmb_layer, therefore the connectivity is displayed as: lambda_1[0][0].


The dense_2 layer is applied on b1 which is the second (i.e. index: 1) output tensor of the first (i.e. index: 0) inbound node of lmb_layer, therefore the connectivity is displayed as: lambda_1[0][1].


The dense_3 layer is applied on a2 which is the first (i.e. index: 0) output tensor of the second (i.e. index: 1) inbound node of lmb_layer, therefore the connectivity is displayed as: lambda_1[1][0].


The dense_4 layer is applied on b2 which is the second (i.e. index: 1) output tensor of the first (i.e. index: 1) inbound node of lmb_layer, therefore the connectivity is displayed as: lambda_1[1][1].

就是这样!如果您想进一步了解summary方法的工作原理,可以查看 print_summary 函数.如果您想了解连接的打印方式,可以查看 print_layer_summary_with_connections 函数.

That's it! If you want to know more how summary method works, you can take a look at the print_summary function. And if you want to find out how the connections are printed, you can take a look at the print_layer_summary_with_connections function.

这篇关于"[0] [0]"是什么意思? keras模型中连接的各层的层数.摘要是什么意思?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 12:10