What is the best way to find nth occurrence of a number in ArrayList?
- 要找到 lastIndexOf 在List接口中有方法的编号,该方法在ArrayList类中实现.
- 要查找首次出现的位置,请使用 indexOf 方法.
- To find lastIndexOf the number there is method in List interface, which is implemented in ArrayList class.
- To find first occurence there is indexOf method.
在一个问题中,存在一个具有不同数字的列表,我必须返回两个数字的索引,其总和等于目标数字.例如:List = (1,2,1) & target = 2;
现在1 + 1 =2
In a problem there was a list with different numbers and I have to return index of two numbers whose sum is equal to target number.Ex: List = (1,2,1) & target = 2;
Now 1 + 1 =2
and answer will be index of first 1 and second 1.
public static void main(String[] args)
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int length = list.size();
int firstIndex = list.indexOf(1) + 1;
int secondIndex = firstIndex + list.subList(firstIndex, length).indexOf(1) + 1;
Suppose that your list is not a list, but an array (an arraylist is basically an array once you are done inserting the stuff).
Suppose also that you didn't want to find the index of the first two nums that sum to X, but rather just the two nums (if any).
有一个简单的解决方案需要O(n ^ 2)的时间,您只需将每个数字与后面的所有数字进行迭代,然后检查总和即可.
There is a trivial solution that takes O(n^2) time, where you just iterate each number with all the ones that come after it, and check for the sum.
更好的方法是对数组进行排序(需要O(n * logn)).现在,您可以针对每个数字在数组中进行二进制搜索以查找其补数,即,如果对数字求和,则将得出X.这需要n(每个数字)* log n(二进制搜索其补数)
A better way is to sort the array (which takes O(n*logn)). Now you can, for each number, do a binary search in the array for its complement, i.e. the number which, if summed to it, would result in X. This takes n (each number) * log n (binary search its complement).
But we can't sort, because we want the indexes! Or can't we?
如果我们创建数组的副本,而不是仅仅存储值,那么将存储对值+ originalPosition:
What if we create a copy of the array that, instead of just the value, stores a pair value + originalPosition:
class PosAndValue {
public final int value;
public final int pos;
public PosAndValue(int v, int p) {
value = v;
pos = p;
我们现在可以按其值对这些PosAndValue的数组进行排序,执行上述算法,然后检索原始位置(即索引),所有这些都以n * logn时间复杂度(和n空间复杂度)进行.
We can now sort an array of these PosAndValue by its value, execute the algorithm just mentioned, and then retrieve the original positions (i.e. indexes), all in n*logn time complexity (and n space complexity).
I'm fairly confident you can't make it much "faster", in terms of complexity. Note that this doesn't mean the code will be faster in any case, but rather that, for sufficiently large inputs (i.e. "big enough" arrays), it will be! for small inputs, as your example, all this overhead may actually make the code slower!
You could make it even better if you knew that the input was limited in range, and then do a boolean bitmap O(n) over the values, but this is a non-specified constraint!