


I am developing a wx application in python for streaming and displaying video from two different webcams. This works fine, but now I need to do this in a different scenario in which the two cameras are connected in separate machine running on Windows connected over a network. My application will run on machine 1. The video from the camera 1 can be fetched using opencv and display on a panel. And also I want to fetch video from camera 2 connected to machine 2, and display it in the application.



VLC可以通过RTSP流式传输捕获设备的图像,请参见 VLC的"Streaming HowTo"一章中的使用GUI进行流传输" .

VLC can stream the image of a capture device's over RTSP, see the "Streaming using the GUI" chapter of VLC's "Streaming HowTo".

然后,OpenCV的 VideoCapture 可以从RTSP流中抓取帧,例如:

Then OpenCV's VideoCapture can grab frames from RTSP stream such as:

std::string address = "rtsp://<username:password>@<ip_address>:<port>";
cv::VideoCapture cap;

    std::cout << "Error opening video stream: " << address << std::endl;
    return -1;

其中 address 类似于 rtsp:// rtsp://username:password@ 如果受密码保护.

Where address is something like rtsp:// or rtsp://username:password@ if it is password protected.


07-23 02:27