


I couldn't find an answer anywhere else on the net so any help would be appreciated.


I am tying to create a system whereby I can retrieve the results of an NSOperation task, which I understand cannot be done by concrete subclasses such as NSInvocation.

我有一个NSOperation子类( TheEngine ),该子类按照惯例是抽象的,必须进行扩展以实现功能-main,以包括要执行的代码体.

I have an NSOperation subclass (TheEngine) which is abstract by convention and must be extended to implement the function -main, to include the body of code to execute.

TheEngine 包含以下初始化函数,其作用只是注意选择器所属的theSelectortheObject.它还为属性isFinished注册一个KV观察者:

TheEngine contains the following initialisation function whose job is simply to note theSelector and theObject the selector belongs to. It also registers a KV observer for the property isFinished :

-(id)initWithCallbackSelector:(SEL)theSelector inObject:(id)theObject


In my observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: function I would like to call the callback function like so:

NSLog(@"Some debug text to ensure this function is being called", nil);
[theObject performSelector:theSelector withObject:someData afterDelay:0];


aViewController 触发 TheEngine 的扩展-通过调用以下代码并将其添加到操作队列来说 TheTask .

aViewController fires up an extension of TheEngine - lets say TheTask by calling the following and adding it to an operations queue.

TheTask* TT = [[TheTask alloc] initWithCallbackSelector:
    @selector(resultHandler:) inObject:theObject];


Everything seems to run as expected without any errors or exceptions at all. But when execution reaches the observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: the callback is not actually called. I'm new to Obj-C, so I'm not entirely sure if my understanding of this type of threading is correct.


-(id)initWithCallbackSelector:(SEL)theSelector inObject:(id)theObject{

    if([self init]){

        self.selectorsParentObject      =   theObject;
        self.selectorToCallWhenFinished =   theSelector;

        [self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"isFinished" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL];

        return self;

    return nil; 

-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString*)keyPath ofObject:(id)theObject change:(NSDictionary*)theChange context:(void*)theContext{

    if([keyPath isEqualToString:@"isFinished"]){

        NSLog(@"activity is finished with change: %@", theChange);

        NSLog(@"target object: %@", self.selectorsParentObject);
        NSLog(@"target selector: %@", NSStringFromSelector(self.selectorToCallWhenFinished));

        //[self performSelectorOnMainThread:self.selectorToCallWhenFinished withObject:self.resultData waitUntilDone:NO];
        [self.selectorsParentObject performSelector:@selector(selectorToCallWhenFinished) withObject:self.resultData afterDelay:0];




Your NSOperation is likely running on a background thread. If that thread goes away, or if that thread fails to pump its run loop, then your call to performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: will not fire. You commented out a call to performSelectorOnMainThread:.... Did this work?

您可能应该在主线程上运行此程序,或者使用performSelector:withObject:(不包含afterDelay:)运行它. performSelector:withObject:不需要运行循环.

You probably should be running this on the main thread or running this with performSelector:withObject: (without the afterDelay:). performSelector:withObject: does not require a run loop.


09-19 00:19