

我正在使用NSJSONSerializationJSON文档转换为Core Foundation类型.

I'm using NSJSONSerialization to turn a JSON document into the Core Foundation types.


I have a field in my JSON which is a "number". It's sometimes and integer, sometimes a float.

现在,问题是当NSJSONSerialization将我的JSON转换为NSDictionary时,我尝试使用objectForKey提取数字,有时是int,有时是double.似乎NSJSONSerialization并不只是将其保留在NSNumber包装器中,而是实际上将值拆箱,然后将 that 插入到NSDictionary中.

Now, the problem is when NSJSONSerialization turns my JSON into an NSDictionary and I try to extract the number using objectForKey, sometimes it's an int, and sometimes it's a double. It seems NSJSONSerialization doesn't simply leave it in an NSNumber wrapper, but actually unboxes the value, and inserts that into the NSDictionary.


Very strange. I thought you we're supposed to put primitives into an NSDictionary. So the problem I have now is that I don't know what type (int or double) I should be casting to to preserve the actual number value.




You can get primitive type from NSNumber. Just use following code snippet:

    const char* type = [theValue objCType];
if (strcmp (type, @encode (NSInteger)) == 0) {
    //It is NSInteger
} else if (strcmp (type, @encode (NSUInteger)) == 0) {
    //It is NSInteger
} else if (strcmp (type, @encode (int)) == 0) {
    //It is NSUInteger
} else if (strcmp (type, @encode (float)) == 0) {
    //It is float
} else if (strcmp (type, @encode (double)) == 0) {
    //It is double
} else if (strcmp (type, @encode (long)) == 0) {
    //It is long
} else if (strcmp (type, @encode (long long)) == 0) {
    //It is long long



06-23 13:06