我想用VHDL设计arctan函数以用于解调器设计。我需要一个部门& arctan功能块。我有两个信号,假设来自previos块的sin(alpha)和cos(alpha)。我想使用除法[sin(alpha)/ cos(alpha)= tan(alpha)]检索alpha,然后使用arctan函数。我发现用cordic算法可以做到这一点,但有点困惑。您有什么建议,文档或其他吗?如何设计部门
I want to design arctan function with VHDL for using in demodulator design. I need a division & arctan function block. I have two signals, assumed that sin(alpha) and cos(alpha) from previos blocks. I want to retrieve alpha with using division [sin(alpha)/cos(alpha) = tan(alpha)] and then arctan function. I found that it is possible to do that with cordic algortihm, but a bit confused. Do you have any recommendation, docs or sth. how to design division & arctan with cordic in vhdl?
全部您需要的是CORDIC arctan函数,无需除法。 CORDIC arctan将笛卡尔坐标(X,Y)
。您想要 theta 。
All you need is a CORDIC arctan function, no need for division. CORDIC arctan takes cartesian coordinates (X, Y)
and convert it to polar coordinates (r, theta)
. You want theta.
您可以在Wikipedia上查看算法的详细信息。您的fpga供应商应该已经免费提供了CORDIC IP内核,例如,在这里。
You can look at wikipedia for details of the algorithm. Your fpga vendor should already provide CORDIC IP core for free, for instance, here the one for Xilinx.