本文介绍了ASP.NET MVC检查用户可以执行的操作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a collection of posts created by separate users in my database.

  • 每个用户都可以创建帖子和编辑他们的职位。

  • 要编辑自己的帖子,用户导航到一个页面的帖子/ EditPost?=​​帖子ID X,其中x是后ID。

  • Each user can create posts and edit only their posts.
  • To edit their post, users navigate to a page "Posts/EditPost?PostID=x" where x is the post ID.


The "Posts" controller has an '[Authorize]' attribute and the GET part of the action checks to see if the post was made by the user.


If the user did indeed make the post, it renders the view. In the view there is a hidden field with the "PostID".


When the user submits the form, the POST part of the action rechecks if the PostID matches a post created by the current logged in User.


Is there a better way to accomplish this without having to double check if the user has access to edit the post, or is this the best way?



That actually sounds pretty good to me. The only thing I could suggest if you didn't want to check the user twice would be to use something like an anti-forgery token that you render with the view. Since you only get to the view on if you are allowed to edit the post, at this point I would think all you need to do is check to see if the POST came from your site.

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08-19 23:15