本文介绍了Kong 是否支持 API 聚合的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们只是在研究几个 API 网关,特别是 Kong.查看他们的文档,他们似乎支持请求/响应转换.

We are just researching a couple of API gateways, in particular Kong.Looking through their documentation it seems they support request/response transformation.


However, if I understand this correctly, this seems limited to headers.

Kong 是否支持像 Netflix 那样的 API 聚合?

Does Kong support API Aggregation like Netflix does it?


否,默认情况下,一个到 Kong 的 http 请求只会匹配一个上游 url.

No, by default one http request into Kong will only match to one upstream url.

The Kong requestresponse 转换插件处理简单 Header、Body 和 Query String 操作,但 Kong 不处理 API 聚合.

The Kong request and response transformation plugins handle simple Header, Body and Query String manipulation but Kong doesn't handle API aggregation.

显然,Kong 很容易通过它自己的插件机制进行修改,但模拟 Netflix 描述的看似复杂的元数据驱动的动态编排工具(通过 Lua)将是不平凡的.

Obviously, Kong is very easy to modify via it's own plugin mechanism but emulating what appears to be complex metadata driven dynamic orchestration tool that Netflix describe (via Lua) is going to be non-trivial.

如果您在这里使用 Kong,它可能只是作为网关(它做得很好)并自己构建简单的编排 API 来聚合您的后端调用.

If you used Kong here it would likely only be as the gateway (which it does well) and build out simple orchestration APIs yourself that aggregated your backend calls.

这篇关于Kong 是否支持 API 聚合的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-15 09:59