


I have an object which contains multiple objects. Each object has a height and a width, which I need to add together to get a total height and width. I need to update the totals on input from the user.


$scope.myObj = {
  wall1: {
    wFeet: 0,
    wInches: 0,
    hFeet: 0,
    hInches: 0,
    totalWidth: 0,
    totalHeight: 0
  wall2: {
    wFeet: 0,
    wInches: 0,
    hFeet: 0,
    hInches: 0,
    totalWidth: 0,
    totalHeight: 0
  wall3: {
    wFeet: 0,
    wInches: 0,
    hFeet: 0,
    hInches: 0,
    totalWidth: 0,
    totalHeight: 0


Right Now I have a function that takes the feet and inches values, converts to decimal feet and adds them up to give the total width and height for each wall.

    $scope.setTotalWidthAndHeight = function() {
      angular.forEach($scope.walls, function(wall) {

        //first convert inches to decimal of ft
        angular.forEach(wall, function(dim, dimKey) {

          if(dimKey === 'wInches') {
            wall.wallWidth = wall.wFeet + (0.0833 * dim);

          if(dimKey === 'hInches') {
            wall.wallHeight = wall.hFeet + (0.0833 * dim);


我现在遇到的问题是将每个对象的所有 totalWidth totalHeight 值相加,以获得所有墙的最终宽度和高度.必须有比下面更好的方法.

What's Im having a problem with now is adding up all the totalWidth and totalHeight values from each object to get one final width and height for all walls combines. There has to be a better way to do it than below.


var allTotalWidths = $scope.myObj.wall1.totalWidth + $scope.myObj.wall2.totalWidth + $scope.myObj.wall3.totalWidth;


您的函数可以进行一些优化,我将假设您当前在 wall.wallWidth = wall.wallHeight = ,因为您的示例数据中不存在先前的属性,所以您本打算具有 wall.totalWidth = wall.totalHeight = 可能会引发错误.

Your function can be optimised a little and I'm going to assume where you've currently got wall.wallWidth = and wall.wallHeight = you meant to have wall.totalWidth = and wall.totalHeight = as the previous properties don't exist in your example data and will have likely thrown an error.

var totalWidths = 0,
    totalHeights = 0;

$scope.setTotalWidthAndHeight = function()
    angular.forEach($scope.walls, function(wall)
        wall.totalWidth = wall.wFeet + (0.0833 * wall.wInches);
        wall.totalHeight = wall.hFeet + (0.0833 * wall.hInches);

        totalWidths += wall.totalWidth;
        totalHeights += wall.totalHeight;

我更改了您的功能,一次完成了所有总计.它将填充初始对象的 totalWidth/Height 属性,并在 totalWidths totalHeights 变量中保留所有宽度和高度的连续总计

I've altered your function to do all the totalling in one swoop. It will populate the totalWidth/Height properties of your initial object and also keep a running total of all widths and heights in the totalWidths and totalHeights variables.


09-15 18:35