我正在使用Setup Factory 9创建应用程序的 setup.exe .
I am using Setup Factory 9 for create my application 's setup.exe.
But on the end user 's computer, the exe is notify as virus with below screen.
How I can release my application?
SmartScreen :Window的SmartScreen功能使包括我在内的许多人感到困惑.这是基于信任"的事情,您需要确保您的设置是具有良好信誉"的已知设置".我为您提供了这些旧链接,但实际上不能告诉您太多有关此信息:
SmartScreen: Window's SmartScreen feature confuses many people, including me. It is a "trust based" thing where you need to make sure your setup is a "known setup" that has "good reputation". I have these old links for you, but can't really tell you that much about it:
- 如何在Installshield 2018中添加发布者 (推荐)
- Installshield自定义对话安装程序
- 如何通过Windows Defender SmartScreen保护?
- 如何以避免"Windows Defender SmartScreen阻止无法识别的应用程序启动警告"
MSI软件包 :我认为,如果以更常见的格式进行打包,您可能会更轻松. MSI是理想的.某些二进制格式和打包格式被称为恶意软件的容器(无论是否值得).很棒的工具 VbsEdit -例如,它允许您为VBScript编译可执行文件-通常具有这些二进制文件标记为恶意软件.不要批评这个工具(很棒-尤其是示例库),但是是想到的第一个"对二进制文件的信任度低"的例子."脚本小子"会破坏本来不错的产品的声誉吗?
MSI Package: I think you might have an easier time of it if you package in more common formats. MSI would be ideal. Certain binary formats and packaging formats are renown as vessels for malware (whether deserved or not). The great tool VbsEdit - for example - which allows you to compile an executable for a VBScript - often has these binaries flagged as malware. Not to criticize this tool (it is great - especially the sample gallery), but that was the first example of "poor trust for binaries" that came to mind. "Script kiddies" ruin the reputation of an otherwise good product?
WiX is the free option (open source). Great, but with a learning curve (see links above). The other tools are great but commercial (costs money).
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