本文介绍了将工件或字符串传递给Jenkins Pipeline中的上游作业的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I'm trying to orchestrate a dependency chain using the GitHub organization plugin along with the jenkins pipeline.


As the products I'm building have a number of shared dependencies, I'm using nuget packages to manage dependency versioning and updates.


However, I'm having trouble getting necessary artifacts/info to the projects doing the orchestration.



On a SCM change any upstream shared libraries should build a nuget package and orchestrate any downstream builds that need new references:

  1. 我正在对每个上游项目中的下游业务流程进行硬编码.因此,如果构建了A,则将使用来自A的最新工件来构建依赖于A的B和C.此后,将使用D来构建依赖于B和C的D和依赖于A和C的E.根据需要来自A,B,C的最新工件.依此类推.这些都将通过A的Jenkinsfile分阶段触发,因为依赖项是使用构建作业:作业名"语法构建的.我找不到一个解决方案,我只能在每个步骤都将业务流程传递给下游,因为依赖项在下游分散并收敛,并且我不想触发对同一下游项目的多个构建,而对上游项目的引用却不同.
  2. 我可以将父项目的工件信息传递给任何下游作业,但是我面临的问题是,父项目没有任何下游工件的程序集版本信息(需要在下游进一步协调作业).Stash/Unstash似乎没有任何跨工作功能,并且已弃用了archive/unarchive.
  1. I am hardcoding the downstream orchestration in each upstream project. So if A is built, B and C with dependencies on A will be built with the latest artifact from A. After that, D with dependencies on B and C, and E with dependencies on A and C will be built with the latest artifacts from A, B, C as needed. And so on. These will all be triggered from the Jenkinsfile of A in stages as dependencies are built using the "Build Job: Jobname" syntax. I couldn't find a solution by which I could just pass the orchestration downstream at each step as the dependencies diverge and converge downstream and I don't want to trigger multiple builds of the same downstream project with different references to upstream projects.
  2. I can pass the artifact information for the parent project down to any downstream jobs, but the problem I'm facing is that, the parent project doesn't have any assembly versioning information for downstream artifacts (needed to orchestrate jobs further downstream). Stash/Unstash doesn't seem to have any cross-job functionality and archive/unarchive has been deprecated.


TLDR: I need a method of either passing a string or text file upstream to a job mid-execution (from multiple downstream jobs) OR I need a method for multiple dowstream jobs with shared downstream dependencies to coordinate and jointly pass information to a downstream job (triggering it only once).



我最终使用了内置的存档"步骤(查看管道语法中的语法)与 copyArtifact插件(必须使用带有类名的Java样式步骤).

I ended up using the built-in "archive" step (see syntax in pipeline syntax) in combination with copyArtifact plugin (must use Java style step with class name).


I would prefer to be able to merge the workflow rather than having to orchestrate the downstream builds in each build with anything to build downstream, but haven't been able to find any solutions to that end thus far.

这篇关于将工件或字符串传递给Jenkins Pipeline中的上游作业的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-24 21:40