


Is there a way to find out if the user has rejected or allowed permission to the media devices (Eg:Microphone, Camera) in Firefox?. In Chrome, I can check that with navigator.permissions.query but this fails in Firefox with a "TypeError".

navigator.permissions.query({name:"microphone"}).then(function(promise) {
   if ( promise && promise.state ) {
      console.log(promise.state); //"granted", "prompt" or "rejected"
//in Firefox, It throws the error "TypeError: 'name' member of PermissionDescriptor '' is not a valid value for enumeration PermissionName"

由于某种原因,我无法使用try catch块捕获上述错误.所以我想知道为什么我不能在try catch块中以及如果有其他方法的情况下捕获此错误.谢谢你.

I could not catch the above error with a try catch block for some reason. So I would like to know why I can't catch this error in a try catch block and If there is an alternative approach. Thanks in advacne.



My application has speech recognition feature. I need to show a "Pre permission pop up" before user encounters the actual "System dialog" seeking access to microphone. The idea behind this "pre permission pop up" is to give a context to the user why the application needs the access. If a user has already given/rejected the access then pre permission pop up would not be needed. So I need to check the microphone'spermission state and show the pop up if needed.



权限API 是一项实验性技术目前正在开发中:

The Permissions API is an experimental technology currently under development:



09-02 01:40