

我想学习 VHDL,但我真的不知道从哪里开始.

I want to learn VHDL but I really don't know from where to start.


I want some advice and explanation about the software I need to get started.


I would like also to get some references in order to learn it efficiently without wasting time by searching on the Internet, since there are a lot of e-books and tutorials and I'm really confused about which one to choose.


我建议你有很好的数字设计背景.如果没有,请从任何版本的 "Digital Design" 预订或当代逻辑设计".

I suggest, you have good background in Digital Design. If not, start with any edition of "Digital Design" book or, alternatively "Contemporary logic design".

  1. 下载 GHDL(使用 GCC 技术的 VHDL 编译器/模拟器)或更友好的软件工具引导.

  1. Download GHDL (VHDL compiler/simulator using GCC technology) or a little more friendly software tool boot.

了解如何使用 GHDL 构建 VHDL 程序.尝试编译简单你好,世界!".

Learn how to build a VHDL program with GHDL. Try to compile simple"Hello, world!".


08-27 08:03