本文介绍了动作脚本 3D 引擎的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 3D 新手,所以寻求帮助.我需要在 AS3 上制作步行模拟器:第一人称视角,穿过房间和走廊.我不需要任何物理,只需要移动和观察.有人可以告诉我,实现所需功能的最佳 actionscript-3 3d 框架是什么?欢迎解释:) 谢谢!

I'm new to 3D, so asking for help. I need to make walking simulator on AS3: first-person view, moving through rooms and corridors. I don't need any physics, only moving and looking. Could someone tell me, what's the best actionscript-3 3d framework to implement needed functionality? Explanation is welcome :) Thanks!


Away3D.Flash 上最好的开源(可能也是最好的)3D 引擎.您可以使用适用于 Flash Player 10 及以下版本的旧 away3D 版本来执行此操作,也可以使用适用于新 Molehill 3D api 的 away3D.链接:

Away3D. Best open source (and probably best of all) 3D engine on flash. You can either do this using the old away3D version for flash player 10 and under, or using away3D for the new Molehill 3D api's. Links:

Away3D 4.0 (Molehill APIS)

Away3D 4.0 (Molehill APIS)


Away3D 3.5 适用于 Flash 10 及以下

Away3D 3.5 For Flash 10 and under


发布使用(我相信)away3d 以编程方式实时完成的动画步行循环.还讨论了 away3d 的利弊.

Post on an animated walk-cycle done programatically in real-time using (I believe) away3d. Also discusses pros/cons somewhat of away3d.


此外,away3D SVN 还包含完整的演示以及您在链接中看到的所有这些内容的源代码以及更多内容.

Also the away3D SVN is packed full of demo's with source code for all of these things you see in the links + much more.


请注意,主干中的扫帚分支是 away3D 4.0 分支,针对测试版 Flash Player 11.此处有更多 NFO:

Note that the broomstick branch in the trunk is the away3D 4.0 branch, targeting the beta flash player 11. More NFO on that here:


这篇关于动作脚本 3D 引擎的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-09 16:15