

是否可以在bash中使用getopts实现布尔cli选项?基本上,如果要指定 -x ,我想做一件事,如果没有指定,我想做另一件事.

Is it possible to implement a boolean cli option using getopts in bash? Basically I want to do one thing if -x is specified and another if it is not.



Of course it is possible. @JonathanLeffler already pretty much gave the answer in the comments to the question, so all I'm going to do here is add an example of the implementation and a few niceties to consider:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Initialise option flag with a false value

# Process all options supplied on the command line 
while getopts ':x' 'OPTKEY'; do
    case ${OPTKEY} in
            # Update the value of the option x flag we defined above
            echo "INVALID OPTION -- ${OPTARG}" >&2
            exit 1
            echo "MISSING ARGUMENT for option -- ${OPTARG}" >&2
            exit 1
            echo "UNIMPLEMENTED OPTION -- ${OPTKEY}" >&2
            exit 1

# [optional] Remove all options processed by getopts.
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
[[ "${1}" == "--" ]] && shift

# "do one thing if -x is specified and another if it is not"
if ${OPT_X}; then
    echo "Option x was supplied on the command line"
    echo "Option x was not supplied on the command line"


A few notes about the above example:

  • true false 用作选项x指示符,因为它们都是有效的UNIX命令.我认为,这使得对选项存在状态的测试更具可读性.

  • true and false are used as option x indicators because both are valid UNIX commands. This makes the test for the option presence more readable, in my opinion.

getopts 配置为以静默错误报告模式运行,因为它抑制了默认错误消息并允许更精确的错误处理.

getopts is configured to run in silent error reporting mode because it suppressed default error messages and allows for a more precise error handling.


the example includes fragments of code for dealing with missing option arguments and post-getopts command line arguments. These are not part of the OP's question.


They are added for the sake of completeness as this code will be required in any reasonably complex script.

有关 getopts 的更多信息,请参见 Bash Hackers Wiki:小型getopts教程

For more information about getopts see Bash Hackers Wiki: Small getopts tutorial


09-18 17:48